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Air Law 1: Rules (Rules of the Air:VFR (Flight Plan - notify ATCU (Flight…
Air Law 1: Rules
Rules of the Air:VFR
- Rules for A/C of ICAO CS's anywhere where don't conflict state being overflown
- Apply w/o exception over Hi Seas
- 2 rules (VFR,IFR). Pilot's choice. ATC can't refuse!
- VMC Minima (Airspace A-G)
- FL100+: Viz 8km, Cloud: 1500m Horiz, 1000ft Vert
- <FL100: Viz 5km, Cloud: 1500m Horiz, 1000ft Vert
- Airspace E,F,G only!!
- <FL30 or <1000ft AGL: Viz 5km, Clear of Cloud + Insight of ground!!
- Commander <> PIC
- Responsibilities of Cmdr:
- Comply with RoA except if affects safety
- Plan flight, Study WX, Plan fuel and alternates
- Final auth. on disposition of AC
- Rules
- 0.2 promile
- Min heights (not over congested areas) unless TO or Lnd. or unless emergency lnd w/o hazard to people or property on surface
- Cruise: FLs above lowest useable FL, ALTITUDE below
- Transiiton Alt on climb, Transition Level/Layer on descent
Prox and Right of Way - Give way to Right
- EXAM: If you have RoW = maintain heading & speed, not height!!!
- Take into act wake turbulence
- Head on - BOTH turn RIGHT (20° either side of nose)
- Converging SAME TYPE = Give way to Right
- Converging DIFF TYPE = FAGB (incl. towing)
- Overtake: On Right, 70° (white lights). AC BEING overtkn has RoW!
- Landing: RoW to AC on Approach or Lower. FAGB. Emergency trumps all!
- TO: Taxiing on Manoeuvring Area give way to T/O AC
- Man. Area = taxi, rwys, etc. NE Mvmnt Area = whole aerodrome (aprons, maint. areas, etc.)
- Taxi: Stop and hold @ Stop bars (Red lights)
- Surface Mvmnt: Give way on Right (same rules as in air)
- any vehicle operating regularly on the maneuvering area must be in 2-way radio contact with ATC
AC Lights sunset->sunrise (other times depending in authorities)
- Anti-collision lights (Red flashing) = attract attn to AC
- Eng. start = ON
- OFF only if affect vision of crew or observer
- Nav Lights (R,G,W) = show relative path of AC
- must if in mvmnt area unless stationary and illuminated
Simulated IMC
- Can only be carried out in VMC !!
- Dual controls + qualified pilot or observer with good field of viz
Flight in vcnty of Aerodrome
- LEFT turns (TO or Lnd)
- Lnd/TO into wind unless safety, rwy config or air traffic decides
Communication Failure - depends on VMC/IMC!!!! C for comms NOT VFR/IFR!!!
- ATC confirms CommFail by asking exec. a move that can be seen on radar OR transmit a signal to show acknowlegement
- ATC will transmit blind instructions on freqs they think AC is listening and separate from other traffic
- Cont. VMC, @ nearest aeroD report arrival ASAP to ATCU regardless if flying VFR or IFR Sqwk 7600 + Mode C
- Radar vectored = squawk 7600, return FP route & level no later than the next significant point
- En-route under radar (i.e. radar monitored) = squawk 7600, return to FP route & level after 7min
- En-route & not under radar - fly last assigned speed & lvl for 20min following AC's failure to report posn over compulsory RP
- For all 3 Thereafter adjust level & speed as per FP
- Descend from dest. nav aid at last EAT ( or FP ETA if no EAT)
- Complete instrument approach, land within 30mins of ETA or last EAT which ever later
- Sqk 7600 + mode C & report ASAP after landing
Unlawful interference/seizure
- Attempt to comm wit ATC, this enables ATSU to give top priority & minimise conflict wit other AC
- If force to deviate attempt to broadcast on all freqs incl. 7500 & 121.500 MHz, data links
- EXAM!!!!!! Fly at a level different from IFR levels by 1,000ft. if above FL 290 or 500ft if below FL290.
- Each CS has the right to make procedures for interception & ID of aircraft flying over state territory
- Interception Procedure
- Follow interceptors instructions, respond to visual signals
- Tell ATSU
- Try radio comms w/ interceptors via 121.500 MHz, giving ID & nature of flt
- If no contact repeat on Emergency freq. 243.000 MHz
- If SSR equipped then Mode A, Code 7700 & Mode C, unless otherwise told by ATSU
- Interceptors trump ATC!!!
- Interception phrases - LEARN ALL!!
- U Laaand = land at this aerodrome now!
- Dee-send = start descending for landing
- Except SVFR, VFR only permitted in VMC
- If conditon change: land in VMC, chg route to stay VMC, chg FP to IFR and file it, request SVFR (if in CTR)
VFR T/O Conditions
- Except when specially authorised by ATC, VFR flts cannot T/O or Lnd @ aeroD within a CTR or enter ATZ or traffic pattern when:
- Ceiling < 450m(1500ft)
- OR ground viz <5km
Prohibition of VFR flt - unless authorised
- Not allowed if: >FL200, transonic or supersonic, >FL290 where RVSM used
- Note : highest VFR FL in RVSM = FL285
- Not over people or towns at height <300m (1,000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600m from the aircraft.
- all other areas outside above, at a height not less than 150m (500 ft) above the ground or water.
- In crz above TA fly @ VFR FL appropriate to the magnetic track of the aircraft
- when operating controlled VFR ft in CAS at FL/altitude specified by ATC in the clearance
Item 8 of FPs
- VFR = V, IFR = I
- VFR->IFR = Z (think VIZ)
- IFR->VFR = Y (think IVY)
- EXAM: Where a PIC wishes to change VFR to IFR if VFR FP was submitted, PIC to communicate changes or If not submit an IFR FP & obtain a clearance prior to proceeding under IFR in CAS
EET (time from TO til overhead dest) & Comms
- Controlled VFR: continuous 2way comms with ATSU, posn reps where needed
- Non-controlled VFR may fly non-radio in classes E, F & G airspaces
Rules of the Air: IFR
- PIC or Co-pilot need current IR
- EXAM: AC equipped instruments & navigation eqmnt appropriate to route to be flown
- Should not be below min alt. (except TO/Lnd) or if no min alt:
- EXAM: over high terrain at least 600m (2,000 ft) above highest obstacle located within 8 km of AC posn OTHERWISE at least 300 m (1,000 ft)
Chg IFR->VFR:ATS notified with "Canceling IFR Flight", chgs to FP passed to ATS, ATC will respond “IFR cancelled at ….(time)”
- If VMC encountered don't cancel IFR unless flight will be continued for a reasonable period uninterrupted VMC
- EET = take-off time to the time overhead the Initial Approach Fix (IAF)
- IFR within CAS: IFR shall be flown at crz FLs from table of crz FLs or modified table if RVSM
- IFR outside CAS - flown at crz FLs appropriate to Mag Track
- Where FP reqd IFR flt shall establish comms & maintain continuous listening watch with ATSU providing flight info service (FIS)
- IFR flt will make Posn Reps when it has to submit a FP
FL Rules - depends on Mag Trk!!
- LEARN IR and VFR up to FL290
- LEARN IR and VFR above FL290
- LEARN RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima)
Special VFR (SVFR)
- VFR flight cleared to operate in a CTR (controlled zone) in met conditions below VMC usually in which ac remains clear of cloud and in sight of the surface - only applicable in a Control Zone!
- Annex 2 (ICAO) requires: grnd viz 1500m AND cloud ceiling 1000ft b4 SVFR flight may T/O
-More restrictively, EASA-OPS-1 requires: 3000m viz prior to T/O & to remain 1500m viz at all times in flight. Also clear of cloud and insight of grnd
Distress Signals
- Distress (SOS)
- AC in grave & imminent danger requests immediate assistance. Preceded by “MAYDAY” * 3 with RED pyrotechnics & RED parachute flare
- Urgency (XXX)
- AC has urgent msg to transmit concerning safety of ship, AC or other property of a person on board or within sight. Preceded "PAN PAN" * 3
- Non emergency (i.e. comms fail or other where imperative to land but pilot doesn't need assistance)
- Repeated switching on/off landing light or any other light
Emergency Freqs
- VHF 121.500MHz
- UHF 243.000MHz (mostly military)
- HF 2182 kHz (international maritime)
- SARSAT 406 MHz (SAR beacon freq.)
SSR Codes - Mode A
- 7700 - mayday '77 go to heaven'
- 7600 - radio failure '76 get it fixed'
- 7500 - unlawful interference '75 staying alive'
- 7000 - AC operating in radar service area but not receiving radar service. Implies VFR flight
- 2000 - Entering FIR from area where no code assigned or oceanic traffic
- 0000 - Transponder Malfunction
Restricted, Prohibited or Danger Areas
- Indicated by R, P or D
- Maybe permanent or activated in NOTAM
- (PT) The designation # (eg D001) cannot be re-used for 12 months after the closure of the area.
- Visual warning of incursion = projectiles from grnd @ 10sec intervals, bursting red &green lights or stars
Visual Signals from AeroD control
- Acknowledgement inflight = waggle wings (day) OR night = flashing on/off lights twice (landing or nav)
- Acknowledgement on grnd = move rudder or ailerons (day) OR night = flashing on/off lights twice (landing or nav)
Signal Square
- In front of tower
- Visible from air
- Other signals can use signal mast
- No Signals Square = aeroD not to be used by non-radio AC except in emergency
Mast Signals - LEARN*Marshalling signals - LEARN
- CS = Contracting states
- AIP = Aeronautical Info. Publication
- SARPS = Standards & Recommended Practices
- ICAO = International Civil Aviation Org.
- CS DOES NOT HAVE TO ADOPT A SARP…as long as under Article 38 it informs ICAO & publishes diff. in AIP
- All AC must carry: CoReg, CoA, Crew licences, Log Book, Radio stn. licence, PAX manifest, Cargo Manifest
- SARPS finalised by ICAO Air Nav. Commission then submitted to council for adoption
- EXAM: Unlike EASA which imposes laws & regulations on NAAs
- Procedures for Air Navigation Services
(PANS) - explanation of a complex SARP
- Ensure the safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation throughout the world
- Meet the need for safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport (EXAM)
- Develop principles & techniques for international civil aviation (EXAM)
- HQ (Montreal) - provides machinery for standardisation between CS of all Technical, Economic & Legal
- Assembly = sovereign body
- Council = governing body (36 elected delegates) - develop and adopt SARPS
- Air Nav. Commission: responsible form proposing, finalising and approving SARPS (19 members elected by council)
- ICAO 9 regions 7 Reg. offices (97) - offices keep reg. plans up to date
- Freedoms of the Air
- Technical (Transit Agreement) 1 Cross, 2 Land
- Commercial (Transport Agreement): 3 Take, 4 Bring, 5 3rd State
- Conventions
- Convention of Tokyo (Penal) - SoReg has jurisdiction on board. The PIC may request – but not require – the assistance of pax. (EXAM)
- Hague (H=Hijack)
- Montreal = Terrorism against AC or Nav facilities
- Warsaw (Compensation for Pax) - 'Warsaw Pax'
- Geneva (Registration) - outlaws double registration
- Rome (3rd Parties on grnd)
- EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)
- Mission = Produce rules & regs to promote highest common stds of civil aviation safety & environmental protection in Europe AND WORLDWIDE
- Improve understanding between decisionmakers & industry
- Challenge unreasonable laws etc
- Get sensible legislation
- ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) - Responsible for a common civil aviation POLICY across Europe
- Eurocontrol: Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) is part of Eurocontrol
- Single European Sky (SES): The provision of air navigation services in the single European sky & To establish common requirements
Airworthiness of Aircraft - Annexe 8
- AC >5700 kg MTOM intended for carriage of PMC (Pax, Mail , Cargo)
- MUST have at least 2 engs
- CoA: Issued by SoReg (also responsible for continued Airworthiness)
- Form DOES NOT HAVE WEIGHT!!! Includes: Nation+Reg marks, Manufacturer+Designation, Date, Signature, endorsements
- State of Design ensure program of structural integrity includes corrosion control
- Validity subject to laws of SoReg
- Limitation: Each AC must have FLIGHT MANUAL containing approved limitations
- Info: When CS gives CoA to AC it must inform SoDesign
- Damaged AC: State of Registry must judge if it’s airworthy or not