Medieval Europe Mind Map

Reconquest & Spanish Inquisition

English Law & Democracy image

Pope vs. King image

Geography of Europe

Spread of Christianity

Catholic Church image

Crusades image

Black Death image

Feudalism image

Nobles were loyal to their lords, and fought for them and was given land for their services. The pieces of land was called fiefs. fiefs are divided land that is given to nobles.

Lords ruled Manors which was the land on fiefs.

Feudalism started when the government wasn't very strong. Feudalism was also created to protect the people and land from invaders.

Candles were lit to honor their God.

Stained glass was also made to honor their God, and was for the people who couldn't read the bible.

The Catholic Church suported education and the questioning of God.

The 1st outbreak was in china

Goods were shipped across Asia on the trading route called the The Silk Road. image

This disease started and came from the Gobi Desert which was in China.

In the 1st crusade, 4 states were established, and so was a kingdom.

The 2nd crusade happened when a Muslim became the ruler of Egypt and declared war against the Christians, but were defeated.

The pope went to take back Jerusalem for the Christians.

This document prohibited the king from taxes unless there were permission of the Great Council.

The document was also written to give the people rights.

Nobles wrote a document called the Magna Carta to have fair trails, and the king was forced to sign it. image

The king couldn't control the pope even though he had the most power.

There was a rule where kings couldn't interfere with church business after one king made a promise.

The Kings had power because he was wealthy, privileged, and is believed to be chosen by god.

King Clovis spread Christianity to provide stability and peace.

Monasteries were religious communities formed by Monks, devoting themselves to prayer, charity, and preserving church writings.

The king's advisors encouraged Clovis to spread Christianity.

Fertile land that was flat, was best for feudal farms.

Culture and trade developed in centers around the Mediterranean Sea and rivers.

Castles were built on hills for protection.

A Spanish Christian ruler named Alfonso VI seized the Muslim city of Toledo and Cordoba also fell to Christians in 1236.

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Christians went to Spain to fight the Muslims to get their land back in the late 1000s.

Popes chose the Holy Emperor.

Kings made many decisions like choosing who they should invade.

People believed that popes came from Heaven to teach people about religious things.

Popes make sure that the church is operating smoothly.

The pope had lots of power after the king.

A judge couldn't be chosen by the king when there was a trail by jury.

The 3rd crusade was a big fight, but they had a truths, so the Muslims captured Jerusalem, but allowed Christians to come over.

The Christians wanted to own Jerusalem so much, merchants convinced knights to help hem attack Constantinople from the Byzantine Empire.

The diseases was spread around from fleas, rats, and ticks.

These churches were also a place of education, until universities were formed as centers of learning.

Towns grew and trade increased, because of farms.

Easter Eggs image

The poster for Pope vs. King had pictures of a more modern day Pope and King.

The poster for English Law & Democracy had a picture of Dumbledore.

My Feudalism poster had a knight from the game Fortnite, and a knight holding samurai sword.

The poster for Black Death, there was a rat named Ratatouille, and there was a movie cover of "Black Death".