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Europe Notes (Feudalism Chart (Nobles were granted land but in return had…
Europe Notes
The chart went King,Nobles,Knights, Peasants and Serfs
English Law & Democracy
The nobles wrote a document called the Maga Carta for the King Carta to sign. This doccument forcede the kig to have fair trials and prohibited the king from forcing tax trails unless he had the permision from the great council.
Their first crusade started in 1096-1099 the reason why was to take back jerusalim from the musslims
The sec0ond curade was in 1774 when a musslim named Saladin became the ruler of Egypt and united musllims and declared war against the christans states. He showedd he was a great ruler after he deffeted them and captured Jerusalim in the 1887.
The third cursaid was after the musslims took over The rulers of Englad, France and Roman Empire to fight for Jerusalim. The german King died the French king died so the England king stayed and fought they
Geography of Europe
Europe used rivers for trading, farming and traveling. The largest rive was called Volga Riverit is 2,193 miles long. The shortest was called Driester which was 846 miles lonng.River were one of Europes national barrier. They also fished.
Medival Europes used mountains and rivers around them as natural boundries and protection nfrom enimes. It was hard for them to get across the water. They also farmed all around it.
The climate in Europe was aleways changing . They went through seasons and during the summers the mountains were hotter than the valliesand on the coast The temp ranged from 40 - -20 degrees farinhiet. It effected the way they lived too they wouldn't put a farm in the mountains because of the lack of rain.
Spread of Christianity
It took about 300 years for Rome to accept christanity fully while Constantine the Great was ruling. Europens exposed the Native Americans to Christanity. Some Native Americans were subject to the idea of baptism thinking it was the teachig of invaders.
Monks were members of a religous community of men and monistarieds are buildings occupid by nmonks living under religous vows. Medival monstaries cntained farms, inns, hospitals,, schools, libreies and more.
Pope vs King
Pope has to make sure that the church is operating smoothly and they have to be a good role modle for the people. Kings had to make sure that the country was under control and had to make tough desions.
Power from the Pope side was...Pope, Cardnals, Arch Bishop, Bishop, Preists, Deacons and Latity. While on the King side it was the standered Europ hieracrhy.
Black Death
The Black Death started in the 1300s in the Gobi Desert and around a sin in genral. Then it spread to China, then from China along the silk road to other parts of the world. Then to Russia, England and Ireland.
Catholic Church
Jesus Christ was the founder of Catholosim. He was crusified for saying he was the King of Kings. The lit candles to honor their God.
Their were schools to educate and train scholars for work. After getting a doctor degree you could work in lae, medicen or theologicly. Teachers have taught in Oxford England scince 1096. They didn't have books to study for and studied their subject for 4-6 years then had an oral exam.
They had long rectangular buildings with rounded celings with symetrical exterior. The windoes let in little light. They devloped from Roman style.