Making examples and protest in universities: Able to make warnings in pulpit, e.g. priests could warn laity of the repercussions of rebellion. Thomas More and his academic writing supported COA, More believed in Church authority on marriage despite Humanist stance against the indirect interpretation of the Bible. More was chastised for this, but his eventual execution was more motivated by his actions prior to being in the TOL rather than his writings within it. Robert Aske was taken back up to Yorkshire to be killed during the POG. Bishop John Fisher executed in 1536. Cromwell encouraged debates within universities to try and get intellectual justification for annulment. He wrote collectiania satis copiosa. Cromwell also had advice on matter from Poland, Germany, Scotland, Italy and Spain. Scholarly examination of the case for an annulment helped to add legitimacy to the cause. Visceral depictions of death clearly showed that those who did not toe the line would be killed or punished (or their family was, e.g. Poles). Archbishop Warham at first did not oppose, so was rewarded, showed rewards would come to those who helped king. 15 of POG leaders were arrested, it was now possible to arrest and make an example for someone based on what they say, as such as what they do. Link to More and Rich's accusations of what he said in prison. However Henry was now having to content with the increased threat of the printing press, which could produce up to 3,600 pages a day, thus allowing more heretical works to be in circulation. H did use the printing to his own advantage, H's printer Thomas Berkelet made proto- pamphlets in support of the BWR. E.g. 1532 'Glass of Truth', argument of Leviticus. Included some of H's own writing. Unclear how effective these would be as most were illiterate, >20% could read/write.