Left Labral Tear (22 y/o OT student NWB for 4 weeks)
Max Protection 0-4 Weeks
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Range of Motion
May begin AROM later in the phase
Week 1-3
.Supine abd. crunches (avoid activating hip flexors), Standing HS curls, Supine Illiopsoas/Rectus stretch (pain free).
Superman in prone on pillow, bike (no resistance), Active Hip ROM
Bilat. Ankle pumps, Bilat. Quad sets, Bilat. Glut sets,Heel slides, pelvic tilt in hook-lying,Hip IR, add. isometrics in HL
Pain Management
Precautions: Hip Flexion past 90*, ER
Indications: TTWB-PWB <70lbs 4wks; begin PT 2-3 days post-op
Ice, pain meds, edema message, e-stim
Mod Protection 4-8 weeks
Min Protection 8+ wks
Strengthening & Balance
Single leg balance, Leg Press, Mini-Squats
Lunges – progress from single plane -->tri planar -->add medicine balls for resistance and rotation
Theraband walking patterns (~25 yds) – forward, sidestepping, backward, carioca, monster steps, half circles. Start with the band at knee height and progress to ankle height.
Progressive Strengthening
Calf raises, Mini squats, stationary bike with slight resistance
Family Education on PROM
Gait Training
No forced stretching
Slant Stretch, 3 Way hamstring stretch, Stair Stretch, Hip flexor stretch
Progress to Full ROM
Weight shifts – standing, supported, anterior/posterior, laterals, SLB
Stride length
Correct any compensations
Core Stabilization: single leg bridge, side planks
Return to Function
Continue AROM