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Leadership in the Age of Compexity: From Hero to Host (Journey from Hero…
Leadership in the Age of Compexity: From Hero to Host
Illusion of Control
Want heros and leaders to control and fix the worlds problems
The world by design is uncontrollable
Family, friends and coworkers that have simliar interestes all are uncontrollable as they can approach each situation differently
Nature embraces diversity, encourages it. Those who do not adapt to change are not likely to survive
Change in an expectation in business as well. Organizations must change or they will not survive. Example; Uber was created due to a need. Now taxi companies may go out of business unless they adapt.
Exciting make all things possible without any of us really having to do anything.
Individuals are willing to give up freedom of thought for the promise of a leader to answer their questions or solve all their problems.
This is not real life, not one person can have the answer to all of lifes issues.
Do we really want all the answers? Doesn't challenges and stuggles make us better?
Listening...collaboration, learning from others.
Must be humble, approachable and willing to listen....really listen
Embrace Ignorance- Support leaders that do not know everything.
They do not know all the answers but they trust each others creativity.
Teams of highly motivated people .....can with time, be innovative, creative and dream
All people can be motivated to do the right thing, given the chance. This does not need to be through control
Journey from Hero to Host
Individuals want to contribute
Strength based leadership allows others to focus on their talents and work less about trying to improve things they are not skilled in. There is a balance to this, one should improve, but not at all costs
I believe individuals are not lazy. Many are in situations where, over time their views were not listened default they begin to feel they are not appreciated
My son just started a new job, he has been training and taking tests for the first 3 months and being paid welll for it. He has mentioned to me that he wants to contribute to feel part of the team.
What skills do you have to offer? How can you support others that have skills you do not?
Stop attending meetings with a one sided agenda....allow others to talk, allow freedom for creativity and awareness
Precensing allows one to listen to what is not being said along with the words.
Only way to solve complex problems is to let others get involved and participate
Meaningful conversations are a result of trust of others opinions
The future is in the hands of others, let them participate and you will be amazed at the results.
Providing the resource of time - the scarcest commodity allows individuals to feel accepted
Early on in my career I was able to spend a great deal of time with on almost anything i felt was important. Today there are days when i have 10 to 15 meetings each day and I am running from one to the other.
At a time I may have the most to offer is the same time I do not have the time to give
Master's Program has also been a time committment and balancing act with work and personal life
Master's Program has been a gift of knowledge, experiences and relationships
Guidance, expectations and timelines can be incorporated while allowing others to participate.
Challenges from Superiors
Do your leaders appreciate the work you are doing?
Do they see you as part of the soluton?
Leaders of the past feel they have all the solutions, I would argue that the leaders of today must represent a staff that encourages others to take chances.
Leaders at times, can demand respect from others based on experiences.
It is important to draw on past experiences or lessons learned to support a project.
Leaders must appreciate the work that others do, they must appreciate they do not have all the answers.
Chaos can happen when you have a "take charge attitude" without all the answers.
Leaders are often saddled with unreasalbe expecations
Do they view it as a challenge or can it hamper or even destroy their ablity to lead
Re-engaging People
People should not be silenced
Must continuously create opportunites for individuals to contribute
Opportunities can come with defined roles and responsibilities
Opportunites can also come from innovation and the "what it" view that all things are possible
How many organizations support a portion of one's week devoted to trying new things or continious learning
Leaders are people to, they must be allowed to not have to answer every question.
Leaders can become burned out if they are given unrealitic expectations and at the same time must meet the needs of all their employees. It is not sustainable.
I have a times felt this way. At a point in my career where I can not only lead by example but encourage others to lead is at times taken over by exhaustion and the feeling of never ending work.
I have made a promise to myself that i will not be known for being negative or rigid. I want to remain posiive and forward thinking welcoming collaboration and participation
Postive attitudes are contagious
Encourage people to be themselves
Do not micro manage
Be fair, be consistant be a leader
Appreciate the differences of what motivates individuals
My attutude is changing....I am becoming more optimistic about the future and what it has to offer. I do not have all the answers....but I believe in those around me.
Appreciate the success of any organziation is dependent of everyone contributing
Are You a Hero?
It is time for the hero in all of us to go home.- No one ever really wants to be rescued
Do you have the illusion that only you can solve a problem, that your idea is best?
Need to let this go! For example, new ideas, thoughts and considerations may make your effort better
Working harder and working smarter is not always the answer.
To much to learn, to much to do
Does not create a atmosphere of collaboration and inclusion.