GMD failures
●Their decision to deal with the CCP before the Japanese lost them patriotic support.
●The poor treatment of peasants by the GMD forces further degraded their popularity.Corruption was rife in the GMD army, and its troops were ill-treated and unmotivated. Conscription further alienated the peasantry.
● The GMD remained riddled with factions throughout the war. With rising discontent against his rule due to corruption, military failures, and inflation, Jiang Jieshi’s response was increased repression, which exacerbated hostility towards the government.
● Territorially, the GMD lacked control over many of China’s provinces.
● The war exhausted the GMD physically and psychologically. They bore the brunt of the Japanese attacks, which resulted in heavy losses. Meanwhile, the CCP was fighting a guerrilla war, incurring only light losses.
● The public lost a lot of respect for the GMD in the later stages of the war, as it appeared to be waiting for the Americans to win the war.