Perception of Mankind: Impacts and Consequences
Dystopian society #
Perception of love #
Perceptions consequences #
Creation and banishment #
Stephen Crane "The Monster"
Aeschylus "Prometheus Bound"
Audre Lorde "Power"
William Shakespeare "Let me not to the marriage of true minds"
William Shakespeare "Sonnet 1"
Margaret Atwood "The Handmaid's Tale"
George Saunders "Civilwarland in Bad Decline"
Claudia Rankine "Citizen"
perception among working class #
Flannery O'Connor "Good Country People"
Robert Hayden"Those Winter Sundays
Monster in this case is originally man but morphed into something else after the aftermath of a burning building
Mary Shelley, "Frakenstein"
An actual monstrous creature is created by victor and is brought to life
Prometheus painted as a monster after giving humans knowledge, Zeus can also bee seen as a monstrous tyrant
In both cases, the stories have characters who are ACCEPTED by society for being a monster
Involved with civil rights, aim to fight the perception of minorities, racism
Courtney Kampa "Baby Love"
Show how love can manipulate perception, usually for the better
Both written by women with a similar focus and drive