Action Plans
Benefits /Why organise an activity/visit Out
Class gets experience
Create a Portfolio Item
Benefit to eg Senior citizens
Actions Plan headings
Action steps
Schedule of time/dates
Plan of costs
Evaluation methods
Things to Plan/Challenges
working in a team
where to get the money
organising guests (speakers)
Organsing location/parking
Health & Safery
How to measue
class discuss successes/issues
Survey participants (eg Senior citizens)
Feedback from teacher/principal
Were aims/objectives met
No of attendees
notice boards
social media FB, T, Inst, SC
word of mouth
legal issues
Permission eg Principal
what charity to support
Improve self esteem
Gain skills
Learn how to plan
Benefits of planning
defines the aims/objectives know what working towards.
weaknesses identified and addressed
Planning brings order to activity/deadlines to work toward
plan resources e.g. finances, staff, premises, materials etc.
roles clearly defined
a basis for monitoring results/measuring
make changes if needed
Activity Plan