Reagan's presidency (1980 - 1988)
1979: Iran Hostage crisis and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
1970: "Sun Belt"
1975: Fall of South Vietnam.
Energy crisis
1980: Ronald Reagan, former governor of California, won the Republican nominations
He was against Stagflation
1981: Reagan is shot and wounded. He became the first U.S. president to survive an assassination attempt.
1982: The Nation entered the most severe recession since the Great Depression.
Reaganomics: He proposed cutting taxes and reducing the size and scope of federal programs.
First woman graduates from U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
"Rust Belt"
1970's background.
1983: Unemployement and population growth decreased significantly, but an uneven distribution of income made the poverty percentage grow.
1983: Bomb destroys U.S. Marine headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 241 service persons.
1983: Sally Ride is first U.S. woman in space.
1984: Reagan wins the reelections.
1980: Former Beatle John Lennon is shot and killed.
1982-1983: there was a radical drop in oil prices, which ended with the inflation of the fuel prices.
1985: Mikhail Gorbachev was elected as the Soviet Communist Party chief.
1986: Space shuttle Challanger explodes; six astronauts and teacher Christa McAuliffe killed.
1989: U.S. forces invade Panama, overthrow Manuel Noriega.
1981: The largest tax cuts in U.S. history.
1984: Reagan continued American support for the Phillipine President Ferdinand Marcos, and ardent anti- communist.
1985: In Afghanistan, Reagan massively stepped up military and humanitarian aid for mujahadeen fighters against the Soviet proxy government there. U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan
1986: The end of the Cold War.
1989: Largest oil spill in U.S. history at Prince William Sound, Alaska.
1989: L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia is first African- American elected governor of U.S. state since Reconstruction.
1986: The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
Sheila Astrid Herrera Ballesteros / Arely Guadalupe López Peña / Iliana María Rojo Sotelo.