Population: Adults who are currently in a inpatient rehab center. The client will partake of a substance due a physiological and sensory response that results in a feeling of being high, avoid feelings sense of escape, and adaption to difficult circumstances. The client may also participate in alcohol or drug consumption due to smell, sight, or taste that supports the sensory seeker. Substance abuse can lead to dependence syndrome that develops after repeated substance use and results in a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties controlling its use, and persisting in the desired initial response to the substance. The population will benefit from participating in activities and preferred occupations that stimulates the same hormones that the substances produce. The goal for this population would be to balance the neurotransmitters within the body's systems by implementing supportive and relaxing techniques.
Intervention Plan Sensory Class offered at Rehabilitation centers
- These classes will provide sensory input used to relieve anxiety and distract them . The client will benefit from participating in activities and preferred occupations that stimulates the same hormones that the substances produce.
- Generalization - the participants can create a space in their room that provides sounds, imagery, and sensations that are designated for relaxation purposes. This section can contain a lava lamp and candles.