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Why Did Henry Break From Rome? (Why did Henry Want it? (Succession (Wanted…
Why Did Henry Break From Rome?
Why did Henry Want it?
Religious Arguments
Henry was a Humanist
Ideals to purify the church and remove superstition - dismissive of pilgrims
Deal with anticlerical demands
Arrested Thomas Wolsey in 1530 based on his clerical abuses
Church to rich because of tithes and other
Act in restraint of annates 1532
absenteeism, pluralism, nepotism, simony
Church asking for too much money
Religious arguments against
Was very pious - attended church once a day
Made "defender of the faith" in 1521
Even though humanist, still catholic
Relied on the legitimacy given by the church to hold his position as king
Wanted a male heir which Catherine could not provide b/c of age and several miscarriages
Anne Boleyn much younger than Henry
Had had few illegitimate sons
Queens seen as weaker in power
Had people who still had claim to the throne such as Richard de la Pole because Tudors only been there for 55 years
Only female queen Matilda in 1100s had led to succession crisis
Catherine of Aragon
International: HRE
Duke of Norfolk
Heavily influenced Henry
1531: wrote letters to Henry urging him to stand up and threaten Pope's authority
Uncle of Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn
Becomes interested in 1526
Was infatuated with her
Exchange of letters in 1527: she was encouraging him to break with Rome and make her queen
Was raised in French courts so politically capable
Fell pregnant in 1533 = acceleration of Break with Rome
Provided religious ideology behind break of Rome b/c humanist
"Collectanea satis Copiosa": collection of historical and scriptural texts giving royal propagandists arguments to justify BWR
Gave legitimacy to break with Rome through parliament
Power of the Church
Reduce the power of canon law and church courts: Act in restraint of Appeals in 1532
Wanted more sovereignity
Canon Law and Church Courts
Act in restraint of appeals: 1532
HRE (Aragon's nephew) rival of Henry = sacked Rome in 1527 (didn't want to be associated???)
Dissolution of the monasteries = lots of economic gain
Could have economic wealth of the church go to him: Act in Absolute restraint of appeals 1534 transferred all payments from pope to Henry
1534 act Against Peter's Pence (to Pope)
Wish for divorce
Had ended marital relations with Catherine in 1524
Blackfriars court in 1529 held to decide the legitimacy of marriage to Catherine
Henry argued that it was not legitimate because she had been married to his brother before
Leviticus: "If a man takes his brother's wife it is an impurity"
Pope argued Deuteronomy: if brother dies widow "shall not be married outside the family to a stranger"
Campeggio stalled and revoked case to Rome
Thought that Wolsey could use his power as Cardinal and Legatus a latere to get annulment and court was just formality
After failure had no choice but to start Break of Rome
What was his Role in the Break with Rome?
Had to use power in church to persuade Pope Clement to grant divorce
Why did He fall from Grace?
Failed to Persuade Clement to grant divorce because under control of HRE
Had sacked Rome in 1527
Catherine's nephew
Failure at Blackfriars court in 1129
Campeggio under secret instruction from Pope to stall proceedings and revoke case to Rome
Wolsey unaware of Campeggio's plans but Henry got pissed and arrested him
Nobles didn't like him
Did not come from a noble background
Lots of positions = taking over their power
Clerical abuses
Pluralism and absenteeism
Was arrested for these
Meant that popular opinion was not in favour of him
How was Reformation achieved
Reformation Parliament
Why was it made?
Restrict Abuses of the Clergy 1512: Act to restrict the Benefit of the Clergy = more crimes tried in English court
Imperium: belief that England should be sovereign country owing no allegiance to foreign power
Forged evidence of second century pope writing to King in England saying "for you are a vicar of God in your kingdom"
Reduce the Pope's Authority
1529: small group of MPs Passed 3 bills limiting pluralism = Henry let this happen to show Pope that only way to control anti-clerical movement was annulment
December 1530: All clergy accused of Praemunire b/c all clerics must not recognise external authority
Henry said he would withdraw charge if £100,000 paid and title changed to "Supreme Head of the Church in England and Wales"
To Bring down Wolsey
Clergy Abuse - pluralism and absenteeism
Failure after Blackfriars court
Acts Passed
Pressures put on the Pope
1532: Acts in restraint of Annates (Annates main source of income)
Weakened the will of the Church to resist Henry's wants (Praemunire)
Reducing papal authority by taking legal control
Supplication of the Ordinaries 1532: Petition from MPs to stop church abusing legal power
Cromwell and Cranmer
Cromwell's Role
Served as Henry's Chief Minister 1533-1540
Very influential in dissolution of the monasteries
Devised divorce and marriage to Anne Boleyn
Wanted absolute sovereign power in England
Supported the idea that Popes had taken power from Kings that were originally their before the middle ages
Wanted legal power of Church transferred to King
1533 Act in restraint of Appeals
Role of Faction
Was able to detach himself from Boleyn faction during its fall and devised her fall
Joined with Boleyn faction after fall of Wolsey
Lutheran influence
Entered King's service in 1530
Cranmer's Role
Suggested to Henry to get support of Protestant universities in Europe who could provide him with relevant arguments for divorce
Married Anne Boleyn to Henry
Made Archbishop of Canterbury in 1533
Major Protestant influence in Henry's council
Was RP a tool of Cromwell?
Wanted to reduce legal power of the Church
increased power of the state increased his own power
Act in restrains of Appeals 1533-
Wanted Henry to be absolute head of Church
He devised divorce and marriage to Anne Boleyn
Dissolution of the monasteries didn't happen until after divorce
Reformation parliament was originally called to bring down Wolsey
Not ideal for Cromwell because he had been under Wolsey's service
Main aim to get divorce?
Reformation by 1536
Political Position
Execution of Anne Boleyn in 1536 = Break with Rome no longer about the annulment but the political position of the Church
Failure to produce male heir was key in her downfall
Death of Catherine of Aragon meant that main reason for reformation was no longer there
In government
Henry had a lot more power than in 1529
Church no longer had independence
The Privy council & King and ministers had more influence over acts that were debated and passed in parliament. Before 1529 - bills to be debated came from MPs but now the king
Parliament now gave legitimacy to King's actions
Challenge to supremacy and succession became punishable by law: Act of succession in 1534
Doctrinal Position
Henry now supreme head of Church
Bible in English available in all parish churches - Cromwell required in 1536
Attempt to remove superstitious practices such as false relics
Using wealth of church to potentially fund invasion of France?
Dissolution of the Monasteries: 1536 - 1541