Alzheimer's Awareness Coggle MindMap
Stats/ Facts
Call to Action
Most Common (those who are most at risk)
Seniors- 60 y/o and older
Very Rare
Young Adults- 19-40 y/o
Adults- 41-60 y/o
Affects millions of people daily
6th leading cause of death
1 in 3 seniors die with alzheimers or another form of dementia
Most costly disease in the US
Every hour Alzheimer's cost taxpayers 21 million dollars
Even if you are the not the one with the disease it may still affect your loved ones
Treatments can help but Alzheimer's cannot be cured
If knowledge is spread about this disease you can notice warning signs of Alzheimer's and take action before it worsens
Alzheimer's is very scary and sad for the family's that are affected
Treatment and counseling are available and will give the family's that are affected peace of mind knowing that they are not alone
Alzheimer's is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills