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Get to know your Safety Risks of a first name basis (Present (Safety…
Get to know your Safety Risks of a first name basis
Safety Ingrained in Culture - inducted as part of training
Are safety software solutions having a positive impact on safety outcomes and providing a catalyst for an improved safety culture?
How employees are viewed when it comes to safety…
Safety over the last few decades…
The evolution of workplace safety...
Evolution of safety management systems...
Centralisation vs decentralisation of systems use????
Linking of preventative data with lag data?
Recording of data starting with a process, event or activity. E.g. Biosafety as a process which links to risk assessments; Event/Field Trips as a process which links to risk assessments; incidents and hazard being recorded against activities and events...
Are you currently or planning to over the next 12 months roll out mobile safety solutions?
Integrated Solutions
Are your safety software solutions effectively integrated with other organisational software applications?
Are these integrations providing efficiencies, intelligence and improved security?
a converging safety model!
Inter platform integration between modules
3rd party platform integration
Integration with Business Intelligence systems
Data analytics
Do you believe you have appropriate volumes of good quality data to make smart and informed business decisions?
Are you using effectively using reporting capabilities offered within existing safety software solutions?
Are you integrating you existing safety software solutions with 3rd party business intelligence reporting tools?
Technology – devices, data, computing power!
Increase in reporting solutions delivered to client base. One way to do this is to COUNT and analyse the number of ad-hoc reports by year.
Quality and consistency of data capture across different market segments to support benchmarking
Increasing volumes of data
Increasing number of data sets (e.g. incidents, hazards, risk assessments, health records, compliance, audits, inspections etc)
Greater understanding of legal reaquirements
Do you feel that the delivery of technology has allowed staff to gain a better understanding of their legal requirements and demonstrate increased levels of compliance in relation to their legal obligations?
Number of non-conformance recorded?
Increased used of compliance specific modules?
Number of audits & inspections taking place?
Increased capture of external audit findings and response to recommendations (Management Actions module)
Decentralisation & Workflow
Has the introduction of safety software solutions enabled an effective decentralisation of safety?
Have these software solutions resulted in better workflow which promotes a more prompt, concise and higher quality response to safety issues?
the business opportunity!
changing the conversation!
activation of the safety strategy!
Data self reported vs data reported on behalf of another user?
Number of occurrences where the actual location vs. staff location of incidents and hazards differ?
Increased staff use of RiskWare. Average number of staff users per client.
Increased contractor use of RiskWare. Average number of contractor users per client.
Increased control
Strategic Delivery of Safety
agility - transformation!
good vs. poor strategy – the opposite sides of the spectrum!
Safety is not the absence of accidents…
System consolidation - 1 stop shops
Do you now feel the safety software marketplace is occupied by more integrated enterprise (i.e. one-stop-shop) solutions?
Number of average modules used today in a single platform vs. in the past?
Increased Funding for Systems
Over the past 10 years have you witnessed a higher level of funding allocation towards supporting the implementation of safety solutions solutions?
Do you believe social media is having a positive influence on safety outcomes?
Cloud Based Solutions
Does you organisation employ a Cloud first strategy for the delivery of software solutions?
Are the majority of software safety solutions delivered on the Cloud?
Has cloud allowed for a more effective delivery of safety software solutions?
Percentage of current clients using cloud based solutions?
BIG Data / BI driving better decision making
Information sharing
Increased collaboration
reaching out to people to discuss their issues before it become a major issue
safety interactions
facilitating a healthy life in & out of the workplace
pro-active and open health surveillance
health Apps
fit bit
Easier and more seamless adoption of new solution
Artificial intelligence
Learning based technology change
Increased use of mobile
Increased integration with other systems
Improved usability, accessibility and user experience
Tighter governance on security controls
What do you believe the industry will be needing from solutions in the future?
Where do you see the safety industry placed in 5 to 10 years?
How will changes in the industry impact your organisation?
Virtual Reality
Sensors and beacons
PAST (what was happening 5 years ago)
Paper based or none at all
Were the majority of your safety systems delivered through paper based solutions?
Number of modules used by client previous versus the number of modules used today?
Lack of understanding of legislative framework
Do you believe staff had an understanding of their legal requirements?
At what level (i.e. C-suite, high level management, mid level management or non management) were legal requirements understood?
Did the organisation have a robust legislative framework and supporting policies?
Were these clearly communicated?
Number of non-conformance recorded?
Centrally managed
Do you feel safety was an organisational wide initiative whereby all staff positively and proactively contributed to safety outcomes?
Number of incidents investigated and wholly managed by supervisors/managers vs safety staff?
Number of proactive safety activities undertaken by supervisors/managers vs safety staff?
Minimal data
Do you feel that there was an appropriate level of data available to make informed strategic decisions that would have a positive influence on organisational outcomes?
Lead data points per year, per client?
Lag data points per year, per client?
Data segmentation and quality?
Desktop based activities
Was safety a function that was able to be delivered through technology solutions out in the field or was it mostly a desk based activity?
Data self reported vs data reported on behalf of another user?
Number of occurrences where the actual location vs. staff location of incidents and hazards differ?
Lack of update from stakeholders
Do you feel you had a high level of buy-in from key stakeholders?
At what organisational level (i.e. C-suite, high level management, mid level management or non management) was was uptake most prevalent?
Responsiveness to incidents and hazards?
Close out times for incidents and tasks?
Not holistic / not integrated
Do you believe safety was integrated into other organisational business functions?
Was your safety management software system integrated with other software systems?
Number of client employing focused solutions within single purpose platforms? (i.e. just using RiskWare for risk or safety etc)
Compliance based as opposed to strategic
Was the safety software solution perceived as mostly a compliance solution as opposed to a solution which allowed for continuous organisational improvement?
Were your safety initiatives linked closely to your organisational strategy?
How much data stored against lag indicators (i.e. incidents) vs lead indicators (hazards, risk assessments, audits, inspections, health surveillance and safety observations)?
How many incident reviews were taking place?
Was safety data linked with activities and events (i.e. was safety data disparate or linked with business processes)?
Reactive to requirements
Do you believe more the majority of efforts and resources were focused on reactive responses to safety issues?
Were you delivering any preventative functions (e.g. risk assessments, inspections, hazard reporting, health surveillance etc) using safety software solutions?
Number of reactive modules used vs. preventative modules?
On premise solutions
Did you have a safety software solution in place 8 years ago?
Was the safety software solution delivered on-premise or on the cloud?
How many clients were on-premise vs. cloud?
Many new function specific systems in market
Do you feel the safety software marketplace was occupied by more function specific solutions as opposed to integrated enterprise (i.e. one-stop-shop) solutions?