A visit to a Museum - The Victoria and
Albert Museum([https://www.vam.ac.uk/]

Before the visit

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The students will make a short presentation in class of what they have found online

The students will search online information about the museum

The students will study the time in which the Museum was set up , they will read some documents online about the origin of the museum and will learn about the collections in the museum

They will choose a social network to find images and information about it

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During the visit

They will explore some collections online

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The students will work on a specific collection in the Museum

They will take some pictures and work on recording their entrance into the main areas in the buildings

They will write a learning diary about what they have seen while in London and visiting the museum

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They will collect materials and information to be shared with their mates

They will ask any type of information about a collection or an object they are interested in

Students will write some posts or articles in English in the school website or blog

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Get in contact with some tourist guides to work in the Museum and get permission to work on their projects

After the visit

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Organize the steps and visits

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They will create a short podcast or a video for an interesting thing they have learnt about

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The students will write an interview about this event and present a video about their project