Social media
Negative impact
Title: "Mobile Social Media Usage and Academic Performance"
Authors: Fausto Giunchiglia (et al. 2017)
Previous studies: Negative impact- (Paul et al., 2012)
Smartphone usage on academic performance- (Lepp et al.,
2015; Samaha & Hawi, 2016)
Usage time and behaviors- (Boase & Ling, 2013)
OBJECTIVES: Establish the correlation between smartphone usage patterns and academic performance #
RESULTS: show a negative correlation between the two. Social media apps usage during academic activities negatively affects students academic performance
Mobile usage (Facebook) and Academic performance
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: grades and credits obtained (CFU, GPA) #
MOBILE USAGE "The SmartUnitn project" (I-Log mobile application) =2 weeks #
Answering time diarys
Data collection
Temporal distribution of the usage> >temporal patterns and behavior
use of social media
multitasking behavior
tend to stay connected longer early in the morning
while studying
while attending lessons
check SM apps more frequently and for longer periods
done in a longer window of time=oportunity
Average duration usage of IM apps #
while studying
the most harmful for academic performance #
The effect is stronger on the progress of students career (CFU) than on the quality of their study (GPA) #