Diverse Learning in my Classroom

Identification: Potential Causes for Concern:

Not engaged in learning

Performance does not match perceived academic potential/ intellectual abilities

May exhibit shyness or lack of self-esteem, not contributing to class discussions

May exhibit behavior issues such as disrupting or acting out, attention seeking

Easily distracted or seemingly uninterested

Lacking confidence

Classroom Differentiation Strategies

Scaffolding instruction to provide various levels of support

Modify student’s workload and/or assignments, but retain high academic standards for all

Involving Families

Initial concerns discussed and ideas of home support given

Provide a variety of learning activities that would include assignments that allow student to ‘show what they know’ in different formats

Schedule time to meet with/ teach student in a small group setting, alongside other students who may need similar targeted instruction

Intervention Approaches: the Response to Intervention Model


Tier 1: Teachers use differentiated teaching to address 85% of student learning needs.

Tier 3: Regular check in with the SEN teacher - student is following a personalised Educational Plan to support individual support.

Tier 2: Teaching specialists for language, reading and math "push-in" for 6-week learning cycles. Participate in follow-up meetings to understand student progress and intervention success

Regular review meetings held every 6-8 weeks, depending on growth/need of students

Regular informal discussions had with parents of very young students (kindergarten and 1st grade)

Testing required for Tier 3 support

The Student Support Services Team includes school psychologist, school counsellors, ESL/EAL support teacher, Learning Support (Special Education) teacher, teaching assistants

Provide multi-sensory learning opportunities for kinaesthetic, visual, auditory learners as well as

Regularly communicate with SES Team to uphold effective best practices for differentiation

Allow EAL students to share what they know in their native language, access this through google translate as they are learning English in discussion with EAL teacher

Use of assistive technology for students with physical impairments that can limit their ability to otherwise participate in classroom learning

May have emotional outburts caused by frustrations they are experiencing and are unable to control

Are not meeting the academic standards prescribed by the curriculum

Gain understanding of students' home-life and previous schooling experiences

Use of flexible grouping

Video: Using Differentiated Instruction to Support All Learners (Alberta Education, 2015)