Middle School STEAM Vision Statement

Visual identity of the lab is clear; The space itself creates an identity; form and function

Equity and Inclusivity

Can we replace this with a strategy for reflection and documentation of process?

STEAM Vision

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Cross Curricular Teacher Collaboration

Fearless Innovation

Vehicle for Meaningful Integration (Change to connecting ideas in the classroom, locally, and globally?)

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Students of Optimistic Conscience (Shaping leaders of conscience)




Learning Styles

who has/gets access?

PLC Structure

Agency & Voice

Emphasis on process than product.

OVERARCHING THEME OF CONNECTING/MAKING CONNECTIONS for a greater purpose? To create the world of tomorrow? At Westminster and beyond

How can we move these artifacts out into the halls and classrooms

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Make Learning Visible

Marketing ploy?

Audience or Purpose

Flex time opportunities


What content is taught to nurture and guide students

disruptive innovation

risk taking


empathy-see the world-to make a personal connection


associative thinking

Real world experience

Project artifacts

Think- High Tech High

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Professional Development Nuvu Training/High Tech High