THESIS: There is no way we will be able to support future populations
We will be able to feed future global populations
Population Growth:
Big Ideas in Question
Biomes Suitable for Food Production
- What land is available for agriculture, which biomes, how are the 4 spheres interacting in these areas? What climate conditions are necessary?
- Refer to maps
Climate change may make some biomes suitable for agriculture
- What is climate change, how it occurs, which biomes and what possible changes?
Humans are able to increase food production
- The Green Revolution, we've been able to respond to population growth pressure in the past
- Describe the Green Revolution: what were the pressures and where?
- Explain the GR 4 factors, innovation, science, changing the agricultural system; agribusiness, increasing land area
-What were the outcomes?
Innovation hasn't always been successful
The Green Revolution - Produce from genetically modified grains were low in minerals and vitamins; Some techniques led to land degradation......
Current agriculture is reducing the amount of fertile land
- Desertification
- Over plowing
- Over irrigation
- Land degradation
- Over plowing
- Over irrigation
There will be many future challenges to food production
Climate Change, desertification, fossil fuels, scarce, phosphate
We can innovate...
A range of theses
ensuring food security for future populations will be difficult
it will be challenging to feed future global populations
we will be able to feed future global populations
Food Security: Exists when all people, at all times have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life
we won't be able to feed future global populations
There is no way we will be able to support future populations
- More GM foods can be researched and produced to survive and thrive in harsher environments
- Crops can be genetically modified to grow more nutritiously and larger in size
- Fertilizers can be made with more sustainable and renewable resources to decrease material wastage
- The increase of individuals in the population
- Projected to reach between 9b - 10b by 2050, mainly in developed countries
- High fertility rates (access to contraception, cultural reasons) + reduced mortality rates
Climate change will make suitable biomes harsher and infertile
- Biomes such as grasslands or rainforests will become too hot or cold
- There will be longer drought and monsoon seasons severely affecting rate of production