How much would an iPhone, made solely in Canada, cost?

Raw Materials


Resources we already have (For the sake of simplicity, we are going to pretend that all the materials are all in the same area and don't need transportation.)

Resources we would need to import




Iron ore






27,984.20 Canadian Dollars per ton

The average minimum wage in Canada is $11.33 although the minimum wage varies from province to province.

Carbon Emissions are interesting in Canada as in most provinces, there is no carbon tax. However in the provinces where there are carbon taxes, the tax is a measly $30 a tonne. To put this into perspective, one iPhone takes 79 kg worth of carbon emissions to make. If they have to play $30 a tonne, they would have to only pay $2.37 for all the carbon emissions.

9694.88 Canadian Dollars per ton

142,490.10 Canadian Dollars per ton


Before I can say the results, I have to mention that the starting cost for an iPhone X in Canada is $1319. If everything was made and assembled in Canada, the cost might be around $1,375 as you have to take into consideration the importing of the materials you don't already have, the labour and the $2.37 carbon tax if they are made in a province that has the carbon emissions tax. Obviously the price is an estimate as there are many different variables that have to be taken into account.

$89.89 Canadian Dollars per ton

$3 per phone

7,391.13 Canadian Dollars per ton

11,541.71 per ton

21,321.47 Canadian Dollars per ton

83.22 Canadian Dollars per barrel

444,348.44 Canadian dollars per ton