Otto, D., Becker, S., Bollmann, A., & Sander, K. (2016). What students really want from MOOC's. Revista del Congres International de Docencia Universitaria i Innovoacio (CIDUI). (3). - Map #8
The MOOC students are taking the course for different reasons than the traditional students wanting to earn a degree. Therefore, the success of MOOC should not be measured the same as traditional school.
Fundamental idea of MOOCs is spreading knowledge to people not in the academic precondition or geographic location.
Problem with MOOCs
Low completion rates
Below 10% (Khalil & Ebner, 2014)
Measuring success with MOOC needs to be different than traditional school because the structure is different
Reflection:I question if students sign up for more classes and later drop the ones they dislike due to the lack of money exchange**-Personally this is what I would do.
Reflection: I like the concept of using the MOOCs for improving the CV for the mature population trying not to become dated in the work environment.
Reflection:I find it interesting that the population in the MOOCs is bachelors and master degree students. I do not feel students without a degree are aware of this option.
Reflection:Could MOOC add the high school diploma (GED or HISet) review to prepare students for the test?
Reflection:If the data looked at the partcipiants goals at registration and included interval online mentoring to see if goals are obtained and if the student needs assistance will this increase completion?
Reflection:This concept will hold the student accountable but the problem is if the goals are not for a degree to improve oneself with increase of money or change of career this studying will take the backseat to other things competing for time.
Reflection:family members are more supportive of the time commitment when the outcome involves monetary improvement which benefits the family.