Why care? Well, a few reasons are at play here. First, there is egoism. A global cataclysm will impact the self; this level is biological. Second, there is care for fellow humans; although biological in nature, it contains germs of the purely psychological and aesthetic. I see that the line is drawn here today: ethics does not extend past humanity. All too often we hear that all conservation efforts are only useful if the species being protected are useful to humans, or if their loss will be detrimental to humans, or even because humans like them (which is the top of Maslow's pyramid). Ethics can evolve, ethics isn't bounded by or derived from a more basic principle or dogma, so the said dogma can be set and altered at will. A pathway for the evolution of ethics that I propose is the inclusion of the whole world, of all animals, pants, mushrooms and molds and bacteria and viruses, and rocks, stars and the whole of existence, physical and not, real and not, in our framework of love, care, conservation, acceptance and unity.