
Characteristics and Features 🚩

Definition : ❓

Impact on Language Development 🚫

Teaching Strategies

words used or understood essential for communication

child must be able to use word in sentence ✅

child must be able to define the word

child must be able to conjugate word if it is a verb ✅

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child can use more words in speech and written work

child broadens number of known, recognised words

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children can tell stories or relate experiences more clearly

oral reading fluency will improve

comprehension will improve

child will understand more of what they read ‼

Reasons some learners may struggle with this component


expose students to new words constantly

expose children to words multiple times to reinforce them in the child's mind

create opportunities for children to use new words

read ✅

spoken ✅

written ✅

spelling and pronunciation make it difficult for children to learn and use new words

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child may struggle with phonics

child may struggle with phoneme awareness

child may struggle with oral reading fluency