James I

King of Eng from 1603

Succeeded Elizabeth I

VI of Scotland

Damned inheritance?

Mother Mary Queen of Scots

Puritan based education


believed he was capable of out-arguing almost anyone

Pragmatic also

Problems communicating with those who opposed him

didn't have to rule with a Parl there

Married Anne of Denmark

didn't get on but approved flings

James found respite by surrounding himself with young men

By English standards not very wealthy

Upon arrival to York, he asked Privy Council for money

Need for money is a dominating theme in his reign

fresh start for Parliament

easy going

others saw him as vulgar

didn't act king like

Firm believer of divine right of kings

Wrote book 1603 titled “The True Law of Free Monarchies”

stated belief that kings had absolute legal sovereignty within their state, a king had absolute freedom from executive action a king’s sole responsibility was to God.

Example 1604 Buckinghamshire Elections

weak argument but stuck to it

first clash with Parl


spent Parliamentary subsidies

after gunpowder plot became closer to Parl an they grant him 3 subsidies

lavish spender

coronation cost £20,591

wife got used to fine clothes and jewels

treat family divinely like a a royal family should in his opinion

gifts to his favourites and Scottish folk

to compensate...

sold off crown lands

only short term solution

sold government offices and titles

he didn't consider ability, only price they were willing to pay

caused resentment

wasn't understanding of English public

they wanted to see James

James replied “God’s wounds! I will pull down my breeches and they shall see my arse!”

Robert Cecil Earl of Salisbury

Major political figure

demonstrated self-control and patience

Took on religious issues

did not want to persecute Catholics simply because of their religion

fine with Catholics as long as they were loyal to James

separated loyal Catholics from Jesuits

thought the same about moderate Puritans

However thought extreme Puritans were threat to society

The 1605 Gunpowder Plot made it easier to convince James that extreme Catholics should be hunted down

had to deal with the king’s extravagant spending habits

ordered not to reduce gov spending

had to think of ways in which he could increase James’s revenue

got more revenue from those who owned Crown land

Bate's Case July 1606

allowed the Crown to impose extra custom dues without the consent of Parliament if the aim was to regulate trade

Great Contract 1610

Stated James would give up his feudal rights in exchange for £200,000 a year

However Parliament distrusted James too much to simply give up his monarchical rights

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Charles I

Became king at 11

Unsuited to kingship

His older brother Henry was viewed as a model prince by political elite

Unprepared for role

Did not get along with Parliament