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Great Britian- 75% secure,
3% insecure resistant.
China- 50% secure, 25% Insecure-resistant
Germany- 55% secure
Israel- 65% secure
United States- 65% secure
Van Ijzendoorn + Kroonenberg- Wanted to look at the proportions of each attachment type in different countries.
Grossman + Grossman found that German = insecure due to different cultures. They promote independence.
Takahashi. Used SS to study 60 middle class Japanese infants+ mothers. Found similar rates of secure attachment, how ever non showed insecure avoidant. Insecure resistant was 32%.
Parent infant attachements: Schaffer + Emerson
Babys become attached to mothers first , then secondary attachments. Father-Infant relations 75% at 18 months.
The role of the father: Grossman
Time spent with father predicted future adolescence. Fathers relationship was more to play and stimulate.
Father as Primary caregiver: Schaffer+ Emerson.
Found Father can take role of mother. The key is the responsiveness within the relationship.
Lamb found that men may not be capable of strong infant relationships as they lack as much sensitivity.
Operant conditioning and attachment.
Reinforcement is a two way process Baby cries care giver received negative reinforcement.
Attachment is a secondary drive. Hunger is primary
Stage 1: Asocial Stage (first few weeks) Baby if coming bonds with care but also to objects, can show preference.
Stage 2: Indiscriminate Attachment (2-7m) Dspay more objserbative behaviour. Preference for humans. Accept cuddles and comfort from any adult. Do not show separation/stranger anxiety.
Stage 3: Specific Attachment(7 months) Start to display separation/stranger anxiety. Forms specific attachment.
Stage 4: Multiple Attachments(1y) Form secondary attachments.
Proximity, Seperation distress,
Secure base
Caregiver- Infant interaction
Reciprocity- Feldman + Eidelman.
- From Birth Babys have an periodic 'Alert phase' and signals to show they are ready for interaction.
- From 3 months, interaction increases (verbal+ facial expression)
- Brazelton. Birth mother and child have innate interactions called a 'dance'.
Interactional Sychrony- Metlzoff +Moore
- Procedure: An adult displayed one of three facial expressions, they childs response was then filmed.
- Findings: An association was found. Found synchrony in 3 days old.
- Issablla Procedure: Observed 30 mothers + infants and assessed synchronicity. and found high levels.
Culture bias- German infants are more insecure avoidant, they encourage dependance.
lim- Child acts differently depending on each parents. less internal validity as only correct when carried out with main caregiver, not testing what it intends to.
Sup- Harlows monkeys- attachment is innate, comfort is needed
sup of Critical period Rutter- Romanina orphans adopted by British family. Adopted before 6 moths: Clingy, seek attention from ALL adults, problems with peers. Adopted after 6 months didn't.
SUP- Schaffer and Emerson- baby attach to more than 1 person, but only minority can form multiple attachments at the same time. Relationships are diff not better/worse.
LIM- if a baby has a temper they will affect the formed relationships. If Childs 'easy' tempermant they have stronger statement as they are easier to interact. vice versa.
Lim- Schaffer and Emerson- multiple attachments, mother was not only one to feed. Cannot be generalised
LIM- Interaction suggest quality of relationship. interaction such as synchrony. Show that parents that are sensitive carriers have best quality relationship.
Harlow- Ethical Issues. If monkey results can be shared w/ humans due to similarity, but would never do to a baby.
Cannot generalise animals, mammalian mothers are more emotional rather then birds.
Guiton- Chickens that imprinted on yellow kitchen gloves could then learn to be able to reproduce with their own kinds.
App- Socially sensitive on single/same sex parents. Creates laws for divorce women to have custody of young children
Grossman- Fathers are important, girls mature early if they don't have a father.
Fathers have an important role to the dev. of a child and learning abut the world. Parents have different roles.
LIM- Ecological validity but may not be reliable as it is a self assessment (demand characteristics/social desirability)
LIM-The research is ethnocentrism as it used not variety of baby only 60 middle class babies from Glasgow, cannot be generalised. Also made in 1960.
Lim- Study states the first few weeks are 'Asocial' but baby have bad hand eye coordination and are immobile so cannot express they selfs.
SUP- Infants shown video of mother. Child would get distressed and try and attract attention. Shows baby knows how to gain attention and is aware of actions
SUP- Infants (5-12 weeks) made little response to objects stimulating movement (tongue + mouth open/close). Babies do not just respond to stimulus
APP- Parents can visit and stay with children in hospital. Money spent on beds is less that psyc treatment.
Bowlby never stated whether the Childs attachment bond was formed and broken or whether it had never been formed. The long term damage bowl spoke of id more likely to be a result of privation.
LIM- Extraneous variables, lack of cognitive stimulus and lack of physical cause. Can be responsible for negative effects on institutionalisation.
LIM- as they study is longitudinal but the children haven't fully finished developing at 15y. Also what happens when they become parents themselves.
Theory isn't conclusive enough as Rutter imply that effects may be permanent but Disinhibited Dwarfism (after 6m), children may need more time to recover.
APP- Led to improvements in childcare as it enhances the effect. Lower turn over, encouraging mothers to nurse children before giving them up.
Mcarthy studies 40 women who had been assessed as infants to establish attachment type.
Securely attached = best adult relationships.
Insecure resistant = Problems maintaining friendships.
Insecure Avoidant = Problems with intimacy. Then Zimmerman found little relationship between quality of infant relationship and adolescent attachment.
LIM- The results are contradictory.
Retrospective data, this can be fault to social desirability, this makes the data unreliable and have low validity.
LIM to IWM-Researchers have found adults in happy relationships who were not securely attached as a child.
The study shows a correlation, not cause and effect this is due to it breaking ethical issues. Attachment style and later love life may be due to temperament.
LIM- SS was designed by an American using British Theory (Bowlby). This is culture bias + imposed etic
LIM-Van Ijzendoorn + Kroonenberg suggested that media can explain cultural similarities. I.e parenting books.
This states that the secure attachment majority is not to biology but environment.