Igor Stravinsky
A neoclassical artist
Produced orchestral pieces
produced works such as "The Firebird" and "The Rite of Spring"
Composed ballets for the Ballets Russes; a dance company based in Paris that operated between 1909 and 1929
The "Rite of Spring" induced a riot when it was released in 1913 because of its avant-garde nature.
Avant-garde(n.)- something new and unusual
"Rite of Spring" is now renowned
won five Grammy awards
Album of the Year- Classical
Best Contemporary Composition
Best Classical Performance- Orchestra
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
Best Classical Performance- Instrumental Soloist or Soloists (with orchestra)
Born on June 17, 1882 in Oranienbaum, Russia
raised in St. Petersburg
His father was a bass singer and his mother was a pianist
studied law at the University of Saint Petersburg
taught by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov
Rimksy- Korsakov tutored Sravinksy in orchestration
Started studying music with Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov after the death of his father
Married Catherine Nossenko in 1906 and had four kids
In 1909, Sergei Diaghilev, the founder of the Ballets Russes, invited Stravinsky to orchestrate for his ballet. This led to the comission of The Firebird, makinghim a household name.
Impact on Music
Stravinsky's Rite of Spring was influential to the world of music by showing people a new way to compose music using constantly changing rhythms and dissonant harmonies.(2:40)
Stravinsky's work was always changing and developing yet it still retained a distinct style
In 1913, he produced one of his most famous works, The Rite of Spring, which caused a riot due to its avant-garde nature
After the outbreak of WWI, Stravinsky moved his family to Switzerland. To cope with homesickness, he used Russian folklore as inspiration for his work. While in Switzerland, he continued to produce works such as Les Noces and Renard
In 1920, Igor Stravinsky moved yet again, to France this time. They lived here for 20 years. His notable works include Mavra, a comic opera, and the "white ballet" Apollon Musagete
After the deaths of his wife and one daughter, Stravinsky moved to the US in 1939. Here, he lectured at Harvard University and married artist Vera de Bossett in 1940.
In 1940, he produced his most important works, Symphony in C
Stravinsky continued to produce works until his health started to decline.
Igor Stravinsky died on April 6, 1971 in Manhattan