Postwar Uncertainty

A new Revolution in Science

Literature in the 1920's

Revolution In The Arts

Society Changes Convention

Albert Einstein

Sigmund Freud

Although people knew light traveled at a constant speed, they incorrectly came to the conclusion that other things like space and time moved at a constant speed.

Albert Einstein was able to prove that these things did indeed vary as compared to the Earth

Einstein named the finding the Theory Of Relativity

Why were Einstein's ideas upsetting to many people? Most people were comfortable with believing in Newtons laws of motion and gravity. But Einstein's findings went against Newtons work

Freud was one of the first to think about what goes on in our unconscious mind

Although his findings were not well backed it sparked peoples interest and brought more people into the field

In what way were Freud's ideas as revolutionary as Einstein's? Like Einstein Freud was able to make people question things they had never really gave a piece of mind too.

How did Einstein's thinking differ from the common belief of the time?

After the war writers had a very negative outlook on their lives to come. Many wrote about the dark times they they were have and that were to come.

Writers reflection of concern

People continue to write disturbing booking using Freuds ideas of the unconscious mind.

People enjoyed this different writing style

Why did writers views of the the present and future change? People lost hope they felt the world on edge and nearing another war.

Thinkers react

People were sad and looking for meaning in their lives.

Great thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche turned to the idea they people make their own future depending on past choices they made in their lives.

How might have Nietzsche's ideas have influenced politicians? Nietzsche wrote about how there needs to be a return in ancient heroic values such as pride, assertiveness and strength. All things politicians of the time thought highly of.

How did new thinking change the way people wrote?

The direction of art began to evolve after the war.

Artists started to stray away from realistic styles and changed to bold colors and distorted forms.


How was surrealism connected with Freud's ideas? Surrealism explores the the dream state. This is the unconscious part of the brain that Freud also expored

Linking the dream world with real life artists made a new type of art called surreal

New styles of music started to appear the harsh combination of sound became very popular.

In the United States jazz The music was mainly Africa American brought up and had a loose lively beat.

What aspects of earlier music did new composers rebel against? They didn't like Stravinsky's rejection of traditional harmonies and musical scales.

Why do you think this change happened because of the war?

Change in Womans Roles

Woman proved they could help during times of war, this helped them gain the right to vote.

This change in social norm encouraged many woman to do things differently.

Woman changed their appearance and even started drinking and smoking in public.

How did the changes in woman's clothes reflect their changing roles? wearing different cloths showed that woman could do more then stay in the house. They were independent spirited and ready to improve women's lives.

Women like Emma Goldman and Margaret Sanger even started campaigning in favor of birth control.

These bold actions made a increase of women in mostly male dominated work fields such as medicine, education, and journalism.

Before the war what was expected from women?