Honors World History Unit I (Conflict, Reform, and the Birth of the Modern World)
Corruption within the Church
Loss of faith in Church
New scientific discoveries
Huge epidemics
The Black Death
Contradict Church teachings
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Swiss religious leader
reform < revolution
German lawyer/monk
Wrote "95 Theses"
List of things wrong with the Church
Went into hiding due to his views
Called before the Church Courts (Diet of Worms)
Translated the Bible into German
Chaos & War
Breakdown in Government
Increase in religious conflicts
Attempt to reestablish Church control
Spanish Armada (Spain)
Council of Trent
Peasant Wars (Germany)
The Peace of Augsburg (1555)
A treaty that helped to bring peace to much of Europe
Agreed to allow each European state to govern its own religious affairs
"Lets stop killing each other over religion"
The Anabaptists
The Mennonites
The Amish
A religious group that branched out of the Protestant movement
Rejected many of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Led by Menno Simon
Led by Jacob Ammen
Conservative view of Protestantism
Practice a very simplistic form of Protestant-influenced Christianity
Simple, slow life
Shun technology & outsiders
The Russian Czars / Feudal Russia
Japanese Shoguns / Feudal Japan
The Ottomans
Filial Piety / Feudal China
Early England / Magna Carta
A king or queen that rules with unlimited power
Reasons for absolute monarchs
Lasting impacts of absolute monarchs
Monarchs get power from a "divine right" given by God
Answers to God, not the people
Growing violence
Growth of modern European countries/empires
Loss of power by the Church
Modern government starting to form
Desire of monarchs to expand & explore
Modern European countries starting to take shape
France, England, Spain
Not just a religion, but also an ethical system & lifestyle
Sharia Law
Moral code of Islam
The prophet Muhammad
His teachings were recorded in the Qur'an, Islam's holy book
Began his teachings in the holy city of Mecca
The Five Pillars
"One God"
Belief in only one God (Allah)
Must pray 5 times a day in the direction of Mecca
Each year, Muslims must give a fixed amount (2%) of their income to help the poor
The holy month of Ramadan (August-November) refrain from eating during the day
All Muslims who are able to must visit Mecca once in their lifetime
5 day treck
Europe, Africa, Asia (Middle East)
Known for: strong absolute monarchs & major cultural achievements
Started off as religious warriors in the Middle East
Eventually conquered large areas of Africa & Europe
Absolute rule was held by the Sultan/king
Military commander
Political leader
Suleiman the Lawgiver
Well-known for his political reforms & cultural achievements
Very tolerant of other ethnic/religious groups
Feudal Manor system before the Czars
The monarchs = the Czars
The nobles = the Boyars
"Ivan the Terrible"
One of Russia's most powerful absolute monarchs
Added territory to Russia
Peter the Great
Travelled to Europe to learn their ways
Brought back to Russia ideas and lessons he learned
Powerful military leader or warlord in Feudal Japan
Class system = Feudal Europe in Middle Ages
The Samurai
Hired for protection
"The Way of the Warrior"
Shipwrecked Portuguese sailors were the first Europeans to arrive in Japan
The idea of putting the family's needs/interests above one's own wishes
A Chinese philosopher who came up with the idea
"The Mandate of Heaven"
Emperor displays himself as a "father figure"
Chinese version of "divine right"
Extremely important to Chinese culture
Breaking such piety is looked down upon even today
Prior to the 400's
Early 400's
Anglo-Saxons (German) invaded England
Alfred the Great
Leads the resistance against the Vikings
Eventually gains control of all of England
"William the Conqueror"
Launched an invasion of England to claim the throne
Battle of Hastings
Nobles were concerned for their rights/freedom with William I as king
Final showdown between Harold II & William I
The Magna Carta
An English legal document that spells out certain rights for both the king & his subjects
Unresolved Issues
Nobles demand more say in how their country is run
began in Italy
Rediscovering lost German art :
Artisans fleeing from eastern europe from ottomans
Weakening Fuedalism
More individual expression
Leonardo Da Vinci
Niccolo Machiavelli
The prince
Roman empire fell apart(476 AD)
Viking Raiders
from northern Europe
mastor sailors
Muslims (Ottomans)
Middle east/Africa
Goal: conquest
Black Death
Started in Asia(Mongolia)
Spread rapidly(1300's & 1400's)
deadly bacterial disease
Trade routes
biological warfare
land & sea
silk road
swollen glands
attacks immune system
misguided efforts
worked efforts
burning cloves/scent
ringing bells
medical workers
blessing keepsakes
popes torches
the "cat burnings"
people organized in manor