Peace is so elusive in the Middle East because of the many groups involved in the Syrian crisis, and each group has a different purpose for fighting.



Foreign Involvement



Foreign Involvement





Kirkuk is an extremely wealthy city in terms of oil.

Arab Springs

because of this, both Iraqis and Kurds want it. As of October 2017, Iraq had control of the oil-rich city.

The Assad government is rule of man and the people do not have a say in the government

The people became fed up after not being able to protest about their failing economy because they had no freedoms and created the Syrian rebel groups called the Free Syrian Army in attempt to overthrow the government

Because the Kurds were displaced after armed conflicts in the 20th century, many countries have dealt with the presence of Kurds in the countries surrounding Iraq. For example, Turks have had unsteady relations because of the way Kurds were treated since the 1920's and 30's by the Turks when their identities were unvalidated and the Kurds were persecuted. Since then, Kurds that live in Turkey have never been treated the same. The U.S. however, does treat the Kurdish region as their ally, but they do not support the Kurd's plea for independence.

the government is in a war agaisnt its own people as well as Isis

Kurdistan is ruled by the Kurdistan Regional Government, who is in support of this vote.

The fact that there are so many different cultures fighting in in country causes little to no control over the people.

They are, however, surrounded by opposing countries and the Iraqi government thinks they have control of the region.

The government is a different religion from its people they are Shiite and their people are Sunni

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The people have a disconnect with their government causing a hatred that dates back many years and is deeper than how they are governed

One of the reasons that the US doesn't want to support Kurdistan is because they don't have a viable economy.

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government controls the capital(Demascus), southern Syria, northwest Syria, and the Syrian-Lebanon boarder, the rest is controlled by rebel groups, including the Kurds, and the Islamic State

the Islamist groups continue to strengthen as the rebel groups weaken due to fighting amugnst themselves.

Amongst the rebel groups fighting against the Syrian government, one of the major groups playing a role is the Kurds.

In the Syrian civil war, every one is fighting everyone causing a lot of chaos and destruction.

the rebel groups are fighting agaisnt the government and the islamic state

the syrian government is fighting against the rebel groups and the islamic state

the islamic state is at war with the rebel groups that the us supports, and russia who supports the syrian government

In March of 2011 peaceful protests began in Syria because of the torturing of 15 boys who were grafitting in favor of these protests in other countries; one of these boys was killed after being tortured

The government respond to the protests by killing and imprisoning protestors

in response the people created the Free Syrian Army to overthrow the government and gain freedoms

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Foreign Involvement P2

The Kurds are involved in the Syrian crisis because of the whereabouts of their homes. In 2013, the Islamic State launched repeated attacks on Kurdish land in northern Syria, causing Kurds to get drawn in to the intense fighting there. During a battle close to the Turkish border, Turkish forces refused help, although it would have been easy to let Turkish Kurds battling ISIS into the country . Kurds have been fighting alongside the U.S. under the flag of the Syrian Democratic Forces since. Although the U.S. is allied with Kurdistan on the battlefield, they do not support Kurdish pleas for independence. The U.S. installed a no-fly zone in the 1990's to protect Kurds in the area of Iraq where they are situated. Since the monumental referendum the Kurds have had, Iraq has halted all flights from international airports to the Kurdish region.

[Solution for Syria] In the case of Kurdistan, they could solve their problems by reaching out for more help than they are at the moment, and they could work on stabilizing their economy to potentially attract more countries to try and support their need for freedom.