Hoot by Carl Hiaasen


Roy the new kid

Curly the construction zone foreman/leroy branitt

Delinko the cop

Dana the bully (he is a boy) jk lol


roy talked to garrett about the running boy.Roy was determined to find out who the boy was

some dude reported to curly and delinko that people were vandilzing when it was actually tresspassing

Roy gets off the bus to chase after the strange boy into a gold course and gets hit with a golf ball on his head then golfers thought he was dead

at the start ,roy see's a boy running for something while he is being bugged by Dana.

responsibility junk

Garrett goof off and immature fart joke kid

Roy went to the vice principle's office and was almost suspended for breaking Dana's nose .Roy explained that he was just trying to protect himself from getting strangled . After the confrontation ,Roy went to the bathroom to only find finger grips from Dana.

Vice principle Hennipen

Four eyes confronted Roy in the lunchroom angrly

at the site of the soon to be mother paula's pancake house ,one of the porta potties was vandalized by someone putting alligators in the toilet seat

Roy's dad and mom talked to roy about the dana thing .But to his suprise, his parents (roy's) wern't angry at him but wanted just wanted justice on dana

The newfound Mullet Fingers (R.B.) tied up Roy after Roy was surrounded by a bear that Roy got out of by standing still for 2 1/2 hours due to the bear's poor eyesight.After the bear incident,Roy's feet got surrounded 5+ painted snakes.

Because of vandlizers who spray painted ,delindo almost lost his job

Beatrice stole roy's bike

Beatrice is mullet finger's brother.

roy met with beatrice and for an excuse for being late to eberhardt dinner, Beatrice bit the tire popping it.

roy's mom thanks delinko for bringing home roy but in the same paragraph talking about how her faith was restored in the cgpd (coconut grove police department[public saftey ]) while later in the sentence talking about the lazy cop sleeping while his cruiser when his windows were painted but mrs. eberhardt didn't know that delinko was the sleeping cop. funny ha ha irony

Delinko found roy with a flat tire, talked a bit and took roy home in the po po cruiser

theories and predictions

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running boy doesn't feel accepted in his family so he lives in the woods

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roy was walking and talking with a teacher towards the bus. when the teacher left, roy was on his own to go on the saftey route to the bus to avoid Dana

roy told dana that he could punch him to release the anger or something like that

vice president of corparate relations, chuck muckel

kalo ze german, yah

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Dana kicked roy in the unspoken area, pushing Roy off, and roy was hurt but the janitor might have heard Roy struggle

Mullet fingers was the one who vandalised everything and when Beatrice and Roy asked him if he did was the vandal then Mullet fingers hesitated to answer

napoleon shows beatrice and roy that there is tons of probably endangered owls underground of the construction site so that is why everything keeps getting vandilized

Real Roys parents come to the hospital, threataning to see the fake Roy. they talk with delinko and Fake Roy's nurse only to find out that mullet fingers, beatrice and roy w/ out knowing, commited insurance fraud

Roy talked with his mom and dad seperatly and roy explained the whole story of mullet fingers and cleared up almost everything

Napoleon and roy are going to the mother paula's construction site in the morning I'm pretty sure to do bad things(vandalize)

Roy was getting chased by Dana because roy mooned him. roy got caught and he told dana about "ciggies" in curly's trailer that was on duty, protecting the construction site. Dana used roy's name (there are now 2 fake roys) as curly was telling him off

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the leeps

Leon Leep

Lonna Leep

Beatrice Leep

Napoleon Bridger Leep

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chief Deacon

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