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If trabecular bone is affected, crush fractures of vertebrae are common (hence the ‘littleness’ of little old ladies and their dowager’s hump)
if cortical bone is affected, long bone fractures are more likely, eg femoral neck: the big cause of death and orthopaedic expense (80% hip fractures in the uk occur in women >50yrs).
(In those >50yrs): ♂ 6%, ♀ 18%
Women lose trabeculae with age, but in men, although there is reduced bone formation, numbers of trabeculae are stable and their lifetime risk of fracture is less.
Risk factors
other risk factors, including for 2° osteoporosis [SHATTERED]
Hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, hypercalciuria.
Bone densitometry (dexa)
Prior to giving long-term prednisolone (eg ≳3 months at >5mg/d). Steroids cause osteoporosis by promoting osteoclast bone resorption, ↓muscle mass, and ↓Ca2+ absorption from the gut.
dexa is not needed pre-treatment for women over 75yrs if previous low-trauma fracture, or ≥ 2 present of rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol excess, or positive family history.
if previous low-trauma fracture,
The benefits of universal screening for osteoporosis remain unproven, but some authorities recommend this for men and women over 70—and earlier if risk factors are present
Men or women with osteopenia if low-trauma, non-vertebral fracture.
or for women ≥ 65yrs with one or more risk factors for osteoporosis, or younger if two or more.
Bone and bone-remodelling disorders (eg parathyroid disorders, myeloma, hiv, esp. if on protease inhibitors).
The ‘t-score’ is the number of standard deviations (sd, p[link]) the bone mineral density (bmd) is from the youthful average
Bloods: Ca2+, PO43−, and alp normal
X-ray (low sensitivity/specificity, often with hindsight after a fracture)
Consider specific investigations for 2° causes if suggestive history. Biopsy is unreliable and unnecessary with non-invasive techniques available.
Calcium and vitamin d-rich diet (use supplements if diet is insufficient—see ‘Pharmacological measures’ later in this topic).
Home-based fall-prevention programme, with visual assessment and a home visit. nb: hip-protectors are unreliable for preventing fractures
Calcium and vitamin d:
rarely used alone for prophylaxis, as questionable efficacy and some evidence of a small ↑cv risk.
Offer if evidence of deficiency, eg calcium 1g/d + vit d 800u/d. Target serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin d level ≥75nmol/L.
Strontium ranelate:
due to an increased risk of cardiac problems it should only be used in those with severe intolerance of other agents and without cardiovascular disease.
If intolerant, try etidronate or risedronate.
Tell patient to swallow pills with plenty of water while remaining upright for >30min and wait 30min before eating or other drugs.
(se: photosensitivity; gi upset; oesophageal ulcers—stop if dysphagia or abdo pain; rarely, jaw osteonecrosis).
is a selective oestrogen receptor modulator (serm) that acts similarly to hrt, but with ↓ breast cancer risk.
monoclonal Ab to rank ligand, given sc twice yearly ↓ reabsorption.
This is the reverse of osteoporosis in which mineralization is unchanged, but there is overall bone loss
Rickets is the result if this process occurs during the period of bone growth; osteomalacia is the result if it occurs after fusion of the epiphyses.
Vitamin d resistance:
A number of mainly inherited conditions in which the osteomalacia responds to high doses of vitamin d
Liver disease:
Due to reduced hydroxylation of vitamin d to 25-hydroxy-cholecalciferol and malabsorption of vitamin d, eg in cirrhosis
Anticonvulsants may induce liver enzymes, leading to an increased breakdown of 25-hydroxy-vitamin d.
Renal osteodystrophy:
Renal failure leads to 1,25-dihydroxy-cholecalciferol deficiency [1,25(oh)2-vitamin d deficiency].
In osteomalacia, there is a loss of cortical bone
apparent partial fractures without displacement may be seen especially on the lateral border of the scapula, inferior femoral neck, and medial femoral shaft (Looser’s zones)
Cupped, ragged metaphyseal surfaces are seen in rickets
↓25(oh)-vitamin d, except in vitamin d resistance
In renal failure, ↓1,25(oh)2-vitamin d
If due to renal disease or vitamin d resistance, give alfacalcidol (1α-hydroxy-vitamin d3) 250ng–1mcg daily, or calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin d3) 250ng–1mcg daily, and adjust dose according to plasma Ca2+. Clinical chemistryAlfacalcidol and calcitriol can cause dangerous hypercalcaemia.
Monitor plasma Ca2+, initially weekly, and if nausea/vomiting.
In malabsorption or hepatic disease, give vitamin d2 (ergocalciferol), up to 40 000u (=1mg) daily, or parenteral calcitriol, eg 7.5mg monthly.
In dietary insufficiency, give vitamin d, eg as one calcium d3 forte tablet/12h po.