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Resources of the Great Depression (Germany (Adolf Hitler adolf hitler (The…
Resources of the Great Depression
United States of America
Type of Government: The United States of America had was a democracy.
The Crash of 1929 was when stock prices were way too much. This had caused inventors to pull out of the markets. When investors pulled out of the markets it caused people to freak out. People started to loose their savings. Leaders had to call in loans which caused investors to sell securities for any price.
Social Conditions for Americans was hard. Many had lost jobs and couldn't support themselves or for their families. Not only did the people lose jibs, but they lost their homes as well. Leaving them to lose their dignity and hope.People then started to become desperate for food and shelter.
The New Deal was trying to restore the dignity of the Americans. With the new deal that was put in place, it had changed the government's relationship with the U.S. Roosevelt was trying to get the unemployed people jobs.
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 was signed on June 17. This act had raised U.S tariffs (taxes) on imported goods. This had caused trade to decrease because no one could afford it.
American Economic Contraction was at the beginning of 1929. The American Economic Contraction was really successful, until the stocks started to drop. When the stocks started to drop people began to tried to hide it from other people. The Contraction had ended ten years later in 1939.
Keynesian Economics was named after a guy named John Maynard Keynes. Keynes was an economist and he lived in Great Britain during the Great Depression. He thought that the Great Depression was started because of all the demands for goods. To solve the problem he wanted the government to do it. The reason he wanted the government to go it was because he didn't think the economy would be able to do it on their own.
Germany Flag
The type of government that Germany had was communism. Everyone was seen as an equal, but many of the communities were taken away.
Women and Race were affected when the Nazis gained power. When they gained power birth rates had decreased. This caused them to start propagating the birth of racially acceptable babies. They had supported woman who were expecting. The then made a law saying they couldn't get a divorce unless the women couldn't have kids.
Anti-Semitism was (again) something put in place for the Jews. When the Nazis gained all the the power they started to suppress Jews. They had discriminated the religion and their lifestyle.
Adolf Hitler
The Nazi Party was a party of men that followed Hitlers orders. Not only did they follow his orders, but they also supported his plan on him overthrowing the Wiemar Republic.
Nazi Eugenics was brutal. The Nazis wanted to have the perfect babies. They would sterilize someone who had hereditary determined traits. The Nazis would also kill them if they were useless in the society.
Hitlers rise to power
National Socialism is also called Nazism. This concept helped the Nazis to gain supporters. It was to show who was superior in the the race. When it came to Hitlers rule he thought that the Aryan race was the strongest. He thought that people who had a different religion, skin color, and sexuality would weaken Germany.
Nuremberg Laws were used to dehumanize the Jews. Laws were put in place just for them. For example they had banned any marriages between the Jews and the Germans. The Nazis also took away any jobs they had, even if they owned a store.
Italy flag
When it came to Italy's government during the great depression they had failed the democracies. Instead the government they had was fascists.
During the Fascist State they had used violence and fear to the people they were ruling. The government would be the ones to make new laws. They would have very strict discipline for the citizens. The one good thing was that they had a strong military.
Soviet Union
The type of government they had was all over the place. They had totalitarianism, socialist, federation, and they were a one-party state.
War Communism was to fight economic problems that Russian civil was created. It had destroyed property which gave banks and businesses to the government. Most people had their homes taken away from them, leaving them with no where to go. When this wasn't working that's when the New Economic party was created.
The New Economic policy started because of Lenin. This policy was created to help fix things trade, agriculture, and the industries for the people to start controlling it again. The money flow started to go back again and the peasants were allowed to work on land again.
When the five year plan came it had replaced the new economic policy. They wanted the Soviet Union to develop rapidly in economically and in industrially. They wanted to lead an industrial lifestyle. They thought it might change how people lived. They needed people to work and the only way they could was to force people to work. This made the society very unhappy.
Collectivization was for Russia to strengthen the Soviet Union. They also wanted to reduce the power that people had. They made farmers share profits with one other. They wanted to show the unhappiness of the peasants. Also they had used this to industrialize Russia. It was the tipping point for that.
The great purge killed many people. They were persecuted for opposition to the Soviet Union. Those who were being persecuted were killed on the spot or they were sent to labor camps. Stalin had saw the communist party as a threat to his leadership and had killed them. This had caused many people to have fear.
Bolshevik Revolution was to destroy the traditional csarist rule.This would later become why they started a communist party. The whole point of this revolution was for the government. They wanted the government to change.