Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

What does it mean?

It refers to always having the end of the task as your frame of reference to evaluate where to begin

Importance of Beginning with the end in mind

It’s about starting things with a clear idea of your goal, so that the steps you take are always towards your goal

Helps you to plan ahead

It rarely fails to accomplish your goal

It motivates you, as the end is always in sight

Causes us to visualize our goals beforehand, thus you already know how to tackle the task

Helps with time management

Helps determine the amount of work required

It is much more successful than other methods

It helps you to place your ladder against the right wall

You get the work done faster

The quality of work is better

How to implement it

Create a personal mission statement

Sets goals and what you wish to accomplish

A plan for success

It strengthens your self-standing

Focuses goals

Decide on the jobs you will most likely want to become

Work towards these goals at school

Choose subjects that will propel you towards these careers