Throughout my educational career, self-regulation, time management, and the ability to use effective learning strategies have had a great influence on whether I was successful in my courses or not. This has been true regardless of whether I have taken courses in the traditional classroom setting or in the online environment. I do believe, however, that taking online courses has required me to be more motivated to complete them. As an undergraduate, when I took traditional classes, I always felt extreme pressure to complete assignments, especially since I would be physically sitting in class with a professor or my peers. Therefore, I have felt the pressures of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Looking back, if I had taken online classes in my undergraduate years, I do not know how I would have done because I believe I required both types of motivation to do what was needed for my classes. As I got older and developed an internal desire to reach educational goals, I feel like my intrinsic motivation helped me to complete my online classes. When I was younger, I had both types of motivation affecting me, but as I got older and had a family and a career, my intrinsic motivation increased and helped me to be successful.