Museums as constructors of knowledge

How would I follow up their experience?

Compare and discuss informations

Discuss new conclusions and compare them to the hypothesis they made before the visit

Guided reflection on what Ss have learnt

How would I prepare mystudents
to benefit from such interactive experiences?

Present the Museum's structure, organization, plan

Discuss learning goals

Discuss some theoretical aspects of the topic we are going to research about

Paedagogical background

Object-based learning

Aiming at different learning styles

Making learning meaningful

What would be the best way to fit a museum visit into my curriculum? Museum Learning can enhance 21st century skills comptencies which are part of the curriculum

According to the national curriculum (Linee Guida), my students should be aware of the cultural significance of Italian archaelogical and artistical heritage, of its importance as an economical resources and the need to preserve it through the means of protection and conservation.

Enhance critical thinking: Ss will learn to process questions before, during and after the visit, in order to find out about facts they take for granted

According to the national curriculum (Linee Guida), my students should be aware of the cultural significance of Italian archaelogical and artistical heritage, of its importance as an economical resources and the need to preserve it through the means of protection and conservation.

Hypothesize and discuss different hypothesis, linking informations to previous knowledge and evaluating pros and cons of different opinions

Document processes and results, reflect on the process itself

Have Ss hypothesize about what they are going to see/do, prepare worksheets, questions etc.

Self-evaluation about the learning goals