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Religion In Medieval Europe (Religion had always been such a big factor in…
Religion In Medieval Europe
Religion had always been such a big factor in ancient history, but the medieval period was the only piece of time where we could fully distinguish the difference between the ruling and religious worlds of leadership.
Priest were often found either teaching at schools, administrating at Holy Communions and were seen at churches every Sunday. Priest's also had listen to many people confesses their sins and in return provide advice for them to how one should lead ones's life
Christians were very forceful with their beliefs in the medieval ages. They thought that everyone should believe what they did and they caused many fights for their religion. Since there were many Jews the Christians often tried either converting them to Christianity or killing them
A majority of the time Christians fought with other Christians over certain facts in the religion that they either disagreed with or missing details one knows and the others don't know about
Bishops were people were respected by many people as they members of the council and helped to govern the country. They also could speak Latin and are belonged to the families who were wealthy.
Both the Priests and Bishops always had a a tenth of everything that peasants made or grew such as a tenth of their crops and a tenth of their meat was to be given to the church and a third of all of these items were shared by the church and the poor.
If you chose to become a nun you had to follow simples rules was to devote their lives to serving God and to live a life in a secure retreat
to obey the wishes of their families. There were some voles that these women had to commit to, which were poverty, chastity and obedience
Many women who were either old or young chose to become a nun as it shows a life commitment. Since education was not something that was not easy for women to get, all nuns were shown how to read and write. For more older women they decided to become a nun as it shows the way of life after the death of their husband. For more younger women they decided to become a nun because their families placed them into convents at a young age.
Once a women become a nun she would have to stay like that the rest of her life and wasn't able to marry a man as they believed that they were already seen married to God. With this they were given a ring to place on their finger, along with a wedding crown or headdress
Religion in Medieval Europe
What is Fief?
Priests and Nuns
Christianity was banned after the death of Jesus, Despite those who were found to be practicing Christianity being put to death, some devout Christians continued to secretly practice their Christianity beliefs.
All people, whether they were towns people or even peasants all believed that God, Heaven and Hell existed. All the people believed that the only the way they could get to heaven was through the Roman Catholic Church and if they let them. All of the people were terrified of Hell and in the weekly services and masses the church would always tell them of the horrors that would meet them if they were to end up in Hell. The church had total control over the people, a majority of the peasants worked on church land for free when they could be providing for their families.
Peasants paid 10% of what they earned to the church like taxes, known as tithes, these could either be payed in money or fresh food products from the peasants farmers. Since the peasants couldn't afford much they usually paid their tithes in seeds and animals. This was unfortunate towards them and their families due to how those seed and animals could have gone to a years worth of food. Since a majority of the tithes were paid in seeds they would get stored in tithe barns where they would either get eaten by rats or poisoned by urine. A common phrase was told when someone didn't pay their tithes, this was that they would go to Hell.
You also had to pay for the following: Baptisms: If you were not baptised you are not allowed into Heaven Marriages: But couples were not allowed to live in the same house as this was regarded as sin. Burials: Your body had to be buried on holy land if you wanted to go to Heaven
The churches also didn't have to pay taxes. This saved them a large sum of money which made them wealthier than any king of England at the time. The wealth of the Church was well shown through the grandeur of their cathedrals, churches and monasteries.
One of the main reasons as to why King Henry VIII wanted to re-establish all of the churches was due to the factor of the amount of riches that came in and to get a hold of part of the Catholic Church's money. And the churches would continuously get more wealth due to ever incoming tithes as the people were too scared to not pay them despite the difficulties and hardships it put them through.
Most Medieval Europeans were illiterate in their own language, let alone able to understand latin.
Out of the belief that God would recognise their benevolence and grant them entry into heaven, wealthy kings and nobles donated land, houses, and money tot he church.
Christianity was the dominant religion in Medieval Europe, yet was not the only one. Some people believed in Ancient greek and Roman Gods which were popular at the time of the Roman Empire.
In Medieval time land was broken up into Fiefs. But a Fief was more than just a piece of land. A Fief had to include at least one village with huts for the serfs, a manor house or castle for the noble and land to grow or catch food.
A Fief was not ownership. A fief was actually a loan from the king and the king could take it back. Sometimes fief's were given as a reward for bravery in a battle. First you would give your loyalty to the king, second you would fight or send me to fight if the king needed them, third you would provide money to ransom the king if he was captured, finally you would take care if the sefs working the land.