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Comparison of Dictatorships and Single party states (The dictator…
Comparison of Dictatorships and Single party states
The dictator consolidating power and or remain in power
Controlled Union Leaders
Besided Workers forcing owners of factories
Wanted to Increase the profitability of the country
Formed labor party and ran for president again in 1946
Wanted to Nationalize, this would help in creating the community and fostering how the workers would feel welcomed this sense of community
Struggled to stay in party as he was thrown out
Vargas rulling 1930 to 1945
Loved using his special police. implementing his estado nuevo, used police raids to enforce people who did not like him to get out of Brazil. This continued to help implement his 5 year pan into the economy.
What was the role of the military and special forces, police// Military put down uprisings, such as the communist uprisings. Security forces tortured subversives, government censored all media, but no to the extreme of Italy and Germany.
limited the poor and did not have foreign investment because he had xenophobic nationalism. This made more support from the people as the foreigners could not have a lot of say.
Strategies and tactics// Limited foreign ownership of land. Restricted the role of foreign firms roles in the economy.
Use of constitution helped the workers for a 8 hour workday and better pay. It made sure that the Elites did not run the country and the workers also had a chance.
How did he gain popular support//States could no longer tax interstate goods. Gave women the right to vote, put people into the government based on merits rather than favors.
Implementation of the Estado Nuevo to support the security of the people. This helped in showing the significance of how he wanted to support and help the people, the everyday workers.
Strategies and Tactics// Strengthened economies such as cocoa, coffee, sugar, and tea. Made the NMF(National Motor Factory). Made Unions tied to the government. Got the U.S. to invest in the infrastructure.
He limited the presses say and assassinated the journalists if they went against his ideas.
Role of propaganda and censorship, how the opposition was dealt with // Propaganda: All governors were replaced so that the new governors would report directly to Vargas.This caused states to become off balance and would further increase support for Vargas. Discreet the opposition forces by defeating the uprising in Sao Paulo. Disintegrated the tenante movement.
Style and Policies of the dictator
mobilized power supporting using resources to promote his ideology (Justicialismo)
Promised Argentina solutions when challenging the workers to rewards
Urban workers his most important political ally
traditional order of church
Corporatist principles of the GOU
gain economic growth, peron believed
5 year economic plan- introduced to make the economy of Argentina better
Standard Oil of California in 1954
Otrhodox stabilization programe
women right to vote in 1947
promise t reduce foreign influence
declaration of Economic Indepenence
Should the dictator be considered legitimate? or illegitimate? Violent or Peaceful? Popular or unpopular? Progressive or reactionary"
Well in his first presidency he tried, but it did not work out that positive, aas he was overthrown by his own government. Although both presidency's were legitimate as he rose into power in both legitimate ways. His presidency was mostly peaceful when dealing with people who supported him, people who did not support him he made sure to get out of Brazil. He became popular in his second election as he was voted. And furthered his progressive movements throughout brazil.
What were the Dictators policies toward organized religion and the treatment of ethnic minorities? What was the motivation for these policies? How were policies enforced?
Vargas had strong Nationalism, foreigners being restricted from owning land and entering certain professions. Jailing leaders, insurrection by suspending constitutional rights, allowed to use right hand tactics such as torture. The religion was focused on catholic. But what was interesting was that he was the father of the poor, cost of living was not that expensive. He furthered the rights for the women federation. There was restoration for Civil liberties.
What were the dictator's chief economic, military and social policies
Created a new tax income. International lobbies and cartels for Brazilian resources such as Coffee, sugar and natural rubber.
The police, this helped him keep his power, he made sure to limit what the press could say and what individual reporters could say. but in second rerun he supported opposition. used torture
the 8hr workday, More money for the workers. He created a tariff on exports. Labor code, Security system, New finance minister. Foreigners restricted from owning land.
Authoritarian power, organized a constitutional committee, suspended the constitution, strong nationalist sentiments culminating a decree restricting foreign firms in Brazil.
Rise to power
Vargas took care of the workers and the general life people, He did not want the foreigners to get involved with him.
role of propaganda
With his use of being in the economy he was able to look at the importance of the economy itself. He was able to increase the use and goodness of the economy before the 1930's. this was done through rapid Industrialization
Arguments and justifications
He had become the finance minister in 1926 and with that power, he was able to have some ruling over Brazil.The Brazilians supported him with his ideologies of the estado nuevo. The Brazilians supported through this.
With popularity
Used the police and also his special force to implement his new constitution. He wanted the government on his side so he ended up replacing them.
How the dictator rose to power
1929 labour in Argentina
Eva help cultivate his cult of personality while at the same time gaining him support from workers and women.
Came into power democratically
Decreased the power of elites, making him more popular.
Supports a mobilized a massive demonstration on October 17 1945 forcing his release
Becoming minister of labour enabled him to help the weak and desperate workers unions in order to achieve better value for them.
Formed grupo de Oficiales unidos
Rise and fall of dictator of single party states
Can any successes be attributed to the dictatorship? What were the main positive and negative things that the dictator did for his state?
Positively: Fought for Women equality to get paid and to have voting rights. Was fighting for the average working man and the poor man, supporting them though every step. Established minimum wage, 1934 constitution supported 13 principles. Strengthen ties with :Germany, Italy and the U.S. Expansion of the Railroad. He made motor work companies.
negative: He hurt his opposition, his legislation did not apply to 85 percent of agricultural workers. He left with no say at all.
How long did the dictator remain in power? What was the dictator's demise; did he resign; was he forced out of power; dies; assassinated
The Dictator remained in power from 1930 to 1945 and than from 1950 to 1954, this is because in 1945 he was overthrown by the military because Inflation was so bad and it grew so strong. Than Re-elected in 1950 legitimately, the first time forced out of power and the second time he committed suicide.
What forces brought about the dictators downfall
The first forces which brought down the downfall were the people who realized they were going into debt. In the second one he himself brought the struggle onto him.
To what extent were the dictators goals or plans implemented?
Vargas was able to become sided on the workers lifestyle. He was able to start selling his coffee exports abroad, relying even on sugar and tropical fruit. This was one of the reasons the economy had inflation rise. Increased the wage and decreased the hours but it created a big rise for inflation. He implemented Nationalism which made it grow even more
Evaluate the impact of the dictator on his country
The impact of the dictator had a large impact on his country because the country was left with Inflation, The nationalism afterwards impacted the economic independence from other countries. Although he left the nation to Industrialize which furthered it in some good direction.
Can any successes be attributed to the dictatorship? What were the main positive and negative things that the dictator did for his state?
Improved worker status, promoting the Argentine industry. Poor people live dramatically enhanced and elevated their social status.
How long did the dictator remain in power? What was the dictator's demise; did he resign; was he forced out of power; dies; assassinated
Peron lasted nine years in power and had successes, but once Eva died, he started to become more radical and lost significant support. He resigned after the navy revolted. He was then later elected in 1972 but died two years later.
What forces brought about the dictators downfall
The Catholic church was a long-standing ally of Peron. Towards the end of his power, Peron turned against the church, which in turn set against him. With the Church now against him, many of his followers left. There were also several uprisings, which signaled that Peron had gone too far.
To what extent were the dictators goals or plans implemented?
Peron improved the lives of workers and helped the economy of Argentina. Peron made the economy more self-sufficient, and less dependant on foreign powers.
Evaluate the impact of the dictator on his country
Argentina was left as it was before, with the government having little power. The boom suffered dramatically after the war ended. Argentina did become more improved in the short term but suffered in the long term.