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Culture Argument Essay (Creativity vs. Cleanliness (Research (Donald W.…
Culture Argument Essay
Zero Draft?
Frank Gehry for some reason
Draw some shit
So... What I normally do
Literally this that I am writing right now
Things we take for granted and don't think about
Reality tv
Government and laws
Creativity vs. Cleanliness
Physical Order Produces Healthy Choices, Generosity, and Conventionality, Whereas Disorder Produces Creativity
Does working in a space we like vs. dislike affect productivity/creativity?
Donald W. MacKinnon
Mackinnon, Donald W. In Search of Human Effectiveness: Identifying and Developing Creativity. Creative Education Foundation, 1978.
Thomas B Ward, Ronald A. Finke, and Steven M. Smith
Ward, Thomas B., et al. Creativity and the Mind: Discovering the Genius Within. Perseus, 2002.
Vohs, Kathleen D. “It's Not 'Mess.' It's Creativity.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 13 Sept. 2013,
What helps strengthen creativity?
"Two heads are better than one"
The more background information there is, the easier it is to come up with a solution, and the better that solution will be.
similar situation scan spark different ideas based on CONTEXT
"knowledge and the processes that manipulate it are the fundamental materials from which we form creative ideas" (13).
Surroundings contribute to knowledge
They increase the material you can draw upon
"For example, while Friedrich August Kekule beheld an image of a snake swallowing its own tail. When he explored the significance of that unconsciously generated form he came to the creative discovery that the benzene molecule is shaped like a ring. Until that time, organic chemists had assumed that all carbon-based molecules must be made from carbon units linked in a series or chain. This notion limited the molecular arrangements they considered, and led to a nagging mystery about the actual nature of benzene, which could not fit any known chain. Kekule's dramatic vision allowed scientists to overcome this inhibiting idea, and it provided a foundation for modern organic chemistry" (14).
we need to "take charge of our own ideas" (19).
"pose your problems in the most abstract and general way" (20).
"Suspend your knowledge and mentally doodle with visual forms in interesting ways, and hen interpret their significance" (20).
"getting up and going somewhere else either physically or in your imagination" (20).
"When you develop an idea, you tend to recall something you are familiar with and pattern the new idea after that. The result is that many features of old ideas crop up in new ideas even when those features are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. We call this phenomenon
structured imagination
, and it colors the thinking of designers, scientists, business people, and artists alike" (18).
we need to try to diversify the information we draw off of and use the seemingly random to increase creativity
"New ideas, whether wondrously creative or merely unusual, are almost always constructed from the building blocks of prior knowledge" (25).
What is creativity?
the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination
change radically man's view of the world
Transcending and transforming the accepted experience
insightful reorganization
reorganize unrelated ideas into new solutions
the psychological process by which novel and valuable products are fashioned
The ability to bring something into existence
The creative process
Preparation, experience, skills, techniques
Problem arises
Concentrated effort
Withdraw, incubation
insight, "a-ha" moment
1 more item...
Drawing information from the outside environment and things that do not relate directly to he initial problem
Challenges intellect
Child-like wonder
fresh perception
"All creative groups that we have studied have shown a clear preference for the complex and asymmetrical, and, in general, the more creative a person is, the stronger is this preference" (MacKinnen 61).
Ward, Finke, Smith
"The human mind is designed to create" (Finke 1)
"a mind with an enormous capacity to make use of our experiences and to produce new ideas" (2)
"creativity resembles evolution" (13).
building upon the existing
"our thinking can sometimes produce good, creative ideas, and sometimes fixate us on old ideas. Knowing how to use basic mental processes to do the former and avoid the latter is what being creative is about (15).
you can use this mental process by surrounding yourself with stuff to draw ideas (or inspiration) from
"applying ordinary mental operations in special ways" (19).
things that lead to productivity?
Orderly environment?
Who does this effect?
Employers and workplace issues
Creative industries
create order out of the chaos
Why should the audience care?
This information could help people to work more efficiently
Applies to more than "creative jobs"
everyday life; for everyone
not only related to productivity, also enjoyment
"enhance our lives"
What actions should be taken? Why is this even a problem? Why is this topic important? What is my purpose for making this argument?
make order out of the chaos
What do we gain from this analysis?
encourage people to accept their disorderly nature
Influence the way people think about productivity
Affects people's day-to-day lives
Where did the problem (being tidy is the best way to be productive) begin? What caused it?
Mental hygiene movement
Your mind must be orderly in order to be an effectively functioning person
Valued skills over motivation
More important to be flexible with unusual jobs
Claim of value
Disorder isn't a bad thing, it can actually be beneficial for many people
There Is a difference between a mess and a distraction
Making an argument
Use rhetoric
separate your emotions to stay completely logical. They need to feel passionate about it, not you.
Data from studies
common ground
What actions should be taken?
Assert, support, defend
argument vs. counterargument
identify the controversy, problem, or issue and its significance
Why is cleanliness considered the only way?
"cleanliness is next to godliness" thing from the human effectiveness book
"organized chaos"
establish common ground with your audience
I am a student with a messy desk
always being told to clean up your space
criticized for being disorganized
establish your credibility
messiness is not bad for you, it can actually be a good thing for creative work
why is it good?
Background information
rhetorical appeals
support the claim
back to the thesis
Why did the problem arise?
Who does this affect?
Why do we care? Why does it matter?
What is creativity?
How do you strengthen it?
How do you strengthen productivity?
What can we do?
difference between a mess and a distraction
Concede, counter, refute
summarize and synthesize
make a final take away point
reaffirm the thesis
What now? How do you want the audience to think going forward?
don't be opposed to messiness
learn to draw ideas from your surroundings
incubation period for ideas in the creative process
don't assume that a messy person is unproductive or unable to do their work
Finding sources
Make sure they are credible
Don't be an idiot and use Wikipedia
Preferably with research to back up the information
bsu library onesearch
Use the general and apply it to the specific
3+ sources (1+ scholarly)