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UX information (Account financial :bank: (Market data medium detail :chart…
UX information
Account financial :bank:
Financial statements :email:
Earning statements :e-mail: :heavy_dollar_sign:
Generated in .pdf or .html :compression:
Statement is generated instantly by server on DL :incoming_envelope:
Big button to download last week's statement :three_button_mouse: :arrow_double_down:
Download previous statements :books: :arrow_double_down:
Frequency: weekly, monthly and quarterly
Statements are not viewable online :no_entry:
Market data low detail :chart_with_downwards_trend:
Data for top two coins :star:
Current price :fire:
24h high :arrow_upper_right:
24h low :arrow_lower_right:
24h average :arrow_right:
Current financial standing :bar_chart:
Market data medium detail :chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_downwards_trend:
Embedded candlestick chart of top coin :chart: :star:
User holdings of top coin :moneybag: :star:
Current USD value :dollar:
Number of coins :handbag:
Mining rig financial :bank:
ROI low detail :money_with_wings:
Initial investment price of rig :shopping_bags:
Return so far on rig :moneybag:
Current value of rig :dollar:
Important: there is NO projected payback date
ROI high detail :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:
Projected return per day, week, month, quarter :spiral_calendar_pad:
Based on past 1 month profit
Based on company opinion
Based on today's profit
Total earnings generated (USD) :card_index:
Value of rig :dollar:
Graph of past ROI :chart:
Coin earnings low detail :money_mouth_face:
Last 24 hours :calendar:
Last 7 days :spiral_calendar_pad:
No breakdown of rev., exp., pft.
Last 30 days :spiral_calendar_pad:
Coin earnings high detail :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:
Profit of rig
Expenses of rig
Rent fee
Earnings (after mining fee 10-20%)
Revenue of rig
Table of the above values
Mining rig technical :hammer_and_wrench:
Medium detail level :hammer: :hammer:
Video cards
GPU type [RX 570, GTX 1060]
Count [8, 12, 6, 9...]
Icon for video cards
Hashrate history :hash: :hourglass:
Past 1 hour
Past 6 hours
Past 24 hours
Thumbnail photo of rig
High detail level :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
Video cards
Model name [Red Dragon, Pulse, ROG Strix, ...] :tada:
Memory clock :arrows_counterclockwise: [2000 MHz, 2150 MHz, ...]
Manufacturer [Sapphire, XFX, EVGA, ...] :classical_building:
Uptime (Custom generated from Highcharts or such)
Hashrate (Nanopool embed with re-coloring and re-fonting)
Full photo of rig
Low detail level :hammer:
Time since last reboot :timer_clock:
Status [online :check:, issue :warning:, offine :red_cross:
Mining rig name :name_badge:
Current hashrate :hash:
Order progress :shopping_trolley:
Steps :spiral_note_pad:
Invoice sent :paperclip:
Payment started :money_with_wings:
Payment cleared :moneybag:
All parts ordered :shopping_bags:
All parts received :mailbox_with_mail:
Started :male-mechanic::skin-tone-6:
Partially done
Completed :male-mechanic:
BIOS flashed :camera_with_flash:
Overclocking done :alarm_clock:
Order complete. Yay! :tada:
Contract sent :newspaper:
Signed contract received :passport_control:
Alerts :bellhop_bell:
Additional payment :heavy_dollar_sign:
Messages from company :man_in_business_suit_levitating:
Additional delays :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Button to download weekly earning statements
In .PDF or .HTML
Statement is generated instantly by server
Mining rig settings :gear:
Alert message settings :bell:
Methods: SMS, e-mail, Android push :iphone:
Events: rig offline, online, issue, maintenance :red_cross:
Account settings :gear: