Tyree Guyton
He was born in a nice neighborhood in Detroit where he played and had fun.
He then went to the army for a couple years.
When he was gone the neighborhood became deserted and drug dealers came.
He came back form the army and it was a scary ghost town where no one wanted to be.
The Art
He decided to paint the buildings and streets in the neighborhood.
He began doing this a lot and adding more and more.
The trash in the houses was built up and he used it to decorate the hood even more.
It became colorful and creative and the drug dealers left.
Its Important
The community around Tyree was a little frustrated with the work that he was doing.
Even though people were mad he kept creating the art.
Eventually the people and community allowed the idea and became fond of it.
Today the community love the work he has done and it is one of the main tourist attractions in Detroit.
Guyton's art is very important because it has broght the community together.
It also symbolizes freedom and courage to me.
The neighborhood is nicer now and everyone can enjoy it.
Without this Detroit is a normal city, but with it stands out and is differt.