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Theme B: Religion peace and conflict Part 1 (12.6 The consequences of…
Theme B: Religion peace and conflict Part 1
12.2 Forgiveness and reconciliation
Showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong
Jesus asked God to forgive those who crucified him
" Father forgive them"
Lots of Biblical teachings on forgiveness
Jesus forgave Peter for denying him
Lord's prayer says
"forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors"
Parable of the Unforgiving servant- God only forgives those who are willing to forgive
Restoring of harmony after relationships have broken down
Pope Francis called for reconciliation and respect between religions
Jesus emphasises importance of reconciliation- says if you are bringing a gift to God but have a problem with someone that must be sorted first- John
Reconciliation leads to the peace that Jesus prayed for at the last supper
It brings
Appreciation and acceptance of each other
A more peaceful future
Opportunities to learn from the past
Respect for others' religions and beliefs
A stronger relationship
An opportunity to live without fear
12.1 Violence and bullying in the Bible
Ideas in the Bible
In Genesis there are important points about human nature and the result of turning against God
Violence is a rejection of the ideals God wants for the world
Jesus taught the seeds of bitterness,anger and jealousy must be controlled- could lead to violence and murder
You shall not murder
People need a deep feeling of well-being and an inner calm- the peace Jesus gives in John to face life's challenges
Story of Cain and Abel- wrong thoughts can turn to actions
Cain jealous of brother Abel
God said to Cain
"sin in lurking at your door... you must master it"
Cain's angry thoughts led to violence
Cain plotted to kill his brother out in the field-
"Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him"
God said to Cain
"your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground"
A destructive form of violence
Words can destroy a person's self-esteem, cause fear and leave them with a sense of powerlessness
Comments made on social media can bring more distress
12.3 Justice
Catholic Church teaches that it is God's desire for all to be treated fairly
"But let justice roll down like waters"
Amos teachers creating justice is more important than ensuring worship is done properly
Injustice can cause people to lose their sense of self-worth and self-respect and can deny people dignity
Righteous anger as a response to injustice
Although Jesus taught anger should be avoided he showed righteous anger when he drove the sellers from the Temple- they turned it into a market place
Righteous anger is acceptable as it can be controlled and channelled positively
Violent protests as a response to injustice
Catholic view
Most are anti violent protests
Most agree with law- okay to protest peacefully
Most believe violent protests are ineffective and a damaging way to create change- can result in life loss
Contrasting views
Some support violent protests as long as no one is harmed
Some may join others protesting which they accept may lead to violence if they believe its the only way to end injustice/ be noticed
Some supported violent protests by the suffragette movement
Church took part in protests that became violent against government of Democratic Republic of Congo in 2015
12.4 The Just was theory
Jesus said
" the one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one"
Early Christians refused to fight in wars as believed they had no right to take a life
370CE Christians had to either fight or allow the Roman Empire to be overrun by invaders
Catechisms of the Catholic Church has strict conditions for it
"damage inflicted by the aggressor... must be lasting, grave and certain"
"all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown"
"must be serious prospect for success"
"use of arms must not produce evil and disorders greater than the evil being eliminated"
Criteria includes
Must be a just cause
Must be a reasonable chance of winning and bringing lasting peace
Must be declares by a legitimate authority
Only proportional force should be used
Innocent civilians shouldn't be attacked
Must be a last resort
Contrasting views
Army should only go to war when there has been a major abuse of power or security threat
We should try and work together and avoid war
Just war theory is dangerous as it defends the concept of war- outdated, not relevant to 21st century warfare
We should only support a war that meets the just war criteria as only then can it be justified
12.5 Nuclear war and weapons of mass destruction
Catholic views
5 reasons the Church opposes the use of nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction (chemical and biological weapons)
They completely indiscriminate and have long-term effects
Total disproportionate to any possible success to follow
With WMDs the possibility of success is small; no
"Victors, on victims"
Pope Benedict
Cost of researching, building and maintaining weapons is great; prevents spend on improving peoples lives
Possession of these weapons increases fear and tension- world becomes less safe
Contrasting views
Some believe it is right to for Britain to have nuclear weapons
Some call for nuclear disarmament and may support organisations like Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Having nuclear weapons deters aggressive attacks from other countries
Having weapons is important for self-defence especially if other countries have them
Someone must start the process of disarmament: Britain should do this
12.6 The consequences of modern warfare
Civilian Casualties
Church teaches it is wrong for civilians to be attacked or threatened
Civilians should be protected
Catechism of the Catholic Church-
"Non-combatants, wounded soldiers and prisoners must be respected and treated humanely"
Flee with few possessions and have difficulty finding places to rebuild their lives
Many civilians are forced to flee the fighting- either because of damaged homes or risk of death
Often end up in refugee camps- Church says refugees should be welcomed and protected
Height of Syrian refugee crisis Pope said
"May every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary in Europe host a family"*
Environmental Damage
Modern warfare can damage environment, destroying huge areas of land
Using chemical weapons can affect the vegetation for decades after a war has ended
Catholic Responses
As stewards of the earth people are responsible for limiting damage done to the environment
Popes have condemned the use of practices that ruin the environment such as the use of chemical weapons
Contrasting views
Some believe its okay to use the power of destructive weapons even though it causes civilians death and environmental damage as it ends wars faster
Britain doesn't have enough resources to support refugees and asylum seekers
Providing asylum is the most humane thing to do and refugees can positively contribute to economy