Competing in a global context
Global Context
Internal Context
• Structures
• Prevailing Culture
• Internal stakeholders
• Existing relationships
External context
• External stakeholders
• Political regulations
• resources
• cultural norms
Competing and trading among countries
Relative comparative advantage
Absolute comparative advantage
Supply Chains #
Hidden costs
• Shipping
• Time Delays
Carbon footprint
International operations strategy’s
Home country operations
Multi-domestic operations
Regional operations
Global coordinated operations
Supply chain managment
Sourcing #
Economics and financial flow
International financial institutions
International monetary fund
The world Bank
Helps countries in financial trouble borrow money
Helps to eradicate extreme poverty
Balance of payments – Tracks transactions between individuals, firms or government bodys:
Current accounts: :
capital account
financial acccount
Foreign direct investment
Transfer pricing
Transfer mispricing = illegal
Arms Length principal
allows for shifting profit
Unitrary taxations with profit apportionement
Exchange rate fluctuations
affects import export costs
Foreign exchange market - Forex #
Mc Burger index - over or undervalued currency
governemt intevention
buying currency using foreign currency reserves
increase interest rates
crossvergence #
accepting global norms and practises but adapting for local conditions
Employee relations
global talent
international labour
product markets
human resource managment
Managing cultural differences
Corporate social respnsability
IFRS Standards
IFRS 1 - First time adoption of international financial reporting standards
IFRS 2- Share-based payment
IFRS 3 - Buisness combinations
IFRS 4- Insurance contracts
IFRS 5 - Non-Current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
IFRS 6 - Explorations for and evalluation of mineral resources
IFRS-7 - Financial insruments - Disclosure
IFRS 8 - Operating segments #
IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments
IFRS 10 – Consolidated financial statements
IFRS 11 Join Arrangements
IFRS 12- Discloure of interest in other entities
IFRS 13 Fair value measurement #
IFRS 14 – Regulatory deferral accounts
Modes of Entry Into international markets
Indirect exporting
Direct exporitng
Joint ventrures
strategic alliances
global strategic partnerships
conrtract manufacturing
management contracting
direct investment