nebular theroy


solar systems

Galaxy #

small star

red giant

black dawrf

neutron star

black hole

a black hole is a super dense crore of a dead star


when a white dwarf runs out of fuel it turns into a black dwarf.s


small stars are yellow gold and on average about the same sise as our sun.

white dawrf

the super heated core of a sun.

eventualy cools down and turns into a black dawrf.



large stars that are at least ten times larger than our sun.

live longer than the larger suns

dont explode usualy they just burn out

usualy go out in a super nova.

live less then a small main sequence star.


a neutron star is a hot core of a maseve sun that burned out.

it just spins and spins and spins


forms from a nebula

once fusion starts a star forms the gas forms into a disk due to the stars imence gravity.

becase everything is condencing it forms a galaxy

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a galaxy is a mass gathering of solar systems

there are many difrent kinds of galaxys

the galaxy has many difrent solarsystems

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a solar system is a at least one or more planet masses orbit a star.

they can be super masive or generaly small for a galaxy

a galexy is simply a larger scale solar system

at the center of every galaxy is a super masive black hole

black holes are the only known thing that is known to have enough gravitational mass to keep the galaxy intact.