Like shared team properties, configural team properties originate in, or emerge from, individual team members’ experiences, attitudes, perceptions, values, cognitions, or behaviors. Configural team properties, however, capture the array, pattern, or variability of individual characteristics within a team.
Depending on the nature of the team task, team performance may reflect the following: the sum of individual team members’ contributions (the better each individual performs, the better team performance); the poorest team member’s contribution
(the team can perform no better than its weakest performer);
Possible operationalizations, as we have
hinted, include the sum of individual team member values, indices of variability
among team member values, the minimum or maximum value among a team’s members, and measures of the team network (e.g., density, homophyly).
In sum, individual-level data are critical for measuring both
configural and shared team properties, but only shared team properties require the
demonstration of within-group consensus or consistency