Assessment Results: Writing Samples of varying lengths and styles (narrative, persuasive, and expository) All writing samples have been assessed using suitable rubrics (included) Narrative essay - 1 to 2 pages, Content: 2/4, Conventions: 2/4, Style: 3/4
Persuasive Essay - 2 to 3 pages, Content: 2/4, Conventions: 2/4, Style: 2/4
Expository Essay - 2 to 3 pages, Content: 2/4, Conventions: 2/4, Style: 2/4
Description of Issue to be Discussed with Parents: Work submitted earlier in the year, in previous years (gathered from previous teachers), and from other classes (reading and math) indicate that student is capable of far better quality of work. Teacher is interested in the question of what might be going on that has recently caused this precipitous decline in work quality and punctuality. Suspects it is outside issues.
Description of how the Meeting Will be Conducted: Meeting will be held before school in the classroom or some comfortable meeting area that can accommodate parents, teacher(s), student in question, and any relevant administrators.
Narrative: 1/ Teacher will assist with any relevant introductions and briefly describe the reason for the meeting but will make it the first point of order to solicit input from the student. "We have told you why we have called this meeting and before we give our two cents, since you are the issue at hand, we'd like to hear if you can shed any light on the situation." 2/ Discussion will proceed on the basis of the child's input and if there is none teacher will solicit input from family and proceed from there. 3/ Take a look at writing samples and the disparity between demonstrated ability and current performance and explain why it is a cause for concern. 4/ Proceed from there to conclusion and next steps
Next Steps: School and family representatives will make certain that contact information is exchanged so support can be implemented across the board. Regular check-ins with relevant parties will be scheduled. Extra help will be offered to but not yet required of student