Initial ideation
App :
Communication hub
Interactive table
Precinct app that allows businesses to advertise
Prominent business advertisment
easy access to information
Events app
Improved Wayfinding
Big hologram/ statue above maboneng that can be seen from all over the city
Scale map that is interactive and shows what each business has/ does and what is open. businesses can input specials and events through a remote online system. Holograms/ projections show what the business sells/ makes.
Will link to an online interface that businesses can access through a website or an app
Increased wayfinding through personalized steps, route indicators
Each section of Maboneng is colour coded with relation to the goods and services the businesses sell
Projected or hologram signage that relates to that specific business
getting to desired place
scan QR code on phone
Prints map
sparks interest in the are
people can easily see how to get to the area
click to edit