causes of climate change
Solar radiation
Volcanic eruptions
The sun will emits varying amounts of solar radiation due to changes in its magnetic fields.This will affect the earth climate because it is very sensitive to the amount of solar radiation is it receives.
During periods of intense solar magnetic activity, the number of sunspot will increase, resulting in higher solar radiation.
Forest which can absorb billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide, are being cut down.
There are fewer trees and plants to absorb carbon dioxide.
This leads to an increase level of carbon dioxide, which will trap the heat inside the atmosphere and cause temperature to rise.
Changing land use
When a volcano erupts, large amount of carbon dioxide, water vapour, sulfur dioxide, dust and ash are released into the atmosphere, preventing solar energy to reach the earth.
This will results in a cooling influence on regional and global temperatures.
As the population increases, the demand for agricultural and industrial land also increases.
The changing of land use will cause climate change because more fossil fuels are burnt to meet the energy demands of agriculture, industry and increasing population.