Performance Planning
Phase 3 - Review and Evaluate Performance

Manager will tend to look for employees' hard date to tell if they have performed up to expectations

Productivity Tests

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

360 degree feedback

Graphic Rating Scale


Management by Objectives (MBO)

Traits or behaviours that are important for effective performance are listed out and each employee is rated against these traits

The final review document

Ask the employee to sign and date the review form, explain that the signature acknowledges discussion of the content and not necessarily agreement with them

Route the document to your manager for final signature

Give a copy of the signed assessment to the employee, and place a copy in the personnel file

Checklists and Weighted Checklists

The rating sheet is then scored by averaging the weights of all the statements checked by the rater

Each statement has a weight or scale value attached to it

While rating an employee the supervisor checks all those statements that most closely describe the behaviour of the individual under assessment

Requires the manager to rank his subordinates on overall performance

Ranking of an employee in a work group is done against that of another employee
(may also be done against another member of the competitive group)

measuring how much they have done while also evaluating the quality of their work grading it from 1 to 10

Employees should also be graded on their ability to meet deadlines.

Divide the total score over 3 to get the estimated productivity level of the employee.

Step 3: Review and Approval by Manager

Step 4: Action Planning by Employees

Step 2: Drafting Objectives

Step 5: Periodic Review

Step 1: Initial Meeting

Line manager inform employees the future directions and goals of the company and department, later on asking the employee to suggest some objs the emp would like to achieve

Employees comes up with a proposed list of goals

Line manager will review, amend (if needed) and approve the objs

Employee will develop the action plan to achieve the set objs

this periodic review provides opportunity for discussion, consultations, and problem solving

Quantifiable metrics that reflect how well an employee had done its respective tasks and duties and indicates whether an employee has been hitting the key objectives and targets.

Employers will need to look at the previous data of the employees to identify the behaviour that is needed to be changed

Provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from peers, reporting staff, coworkers and supervisors and can be a definite improvement over feedback from a single individual

provide employers and employees insight of their skills, strengths and weaknesses, and a chance to develop their team cohesiveness and team development