Reasons For The Colonization Australia




Great Britain lost its American colonies

Labourers unemployed

Sent prisoners to Australia

Job oppurtunities

There were overcrowded cities

After the war of American independence Great Britain became a dispose of convicts

Moved to city to find new jobs

The British were worried that other colonies such as France and Holland would claim their part of the continent that did't belong to them and was actually the British part.

Soldiers unemployed

Led to stealing

Their were severe food shortages and many cattle were brought on the first fleet but many wandered off into the bush and some animals still needed to be found. People needed food, bu where wa

This is the Industrial Revolution

The soil and ground was poor which was almost impossible to grow crops also their was no manure to fertilizer it

When changes of weather came crops were hard to grow and fish became scarce which led to stealing.

Six convict transports had contained 1,300 people

James Matra was supported by sir Joseph banks to set out reasons to establish a colony composed of america loyalist, Chinese and south sea islanders(not convicts

James Matra visited Botany Bay in 1770 as a Junior Officer on the endeavour, produced a proposal for estabilishing a settlement in NSW.