Cold Climate: Focus on Boreal Lands


The word boreal means 'northern'

Stretch across the northern hemisphere between 50N and the Artic Circle (661/2N)


Is of cool continental type

Main Features

Very cold winters

These are high latitudes. The sun's rays reach them at oblique angles and give little heat

Short but warm summers

They get long hours of daylight. This causes the heat of the land to increase gradually

Light Precipitation

The polar winds are two cold to hold much moisture

Natural Vegetation

Coniferous trees



Slender shape offers little resistance to wind and so reduces the risk of trees being blown over during storms

Thick bark retains moisture and protects the conifer from the cold dry winters

Thin, needle-like foliage is withered by cold, biting winds

Downward sloping and springy branches allow snow to slide of

Shallow roots can be develop in the thin layers of soil above the permafrost (permanently frozen ground)